Example sentences of "[adj] with [adj] [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One was about five foot six , clean shaven with dark hair and in his late twenties .
2 many courts will be unfamiliar with international law and with the customs and practices which the business community take for granted .
3 They believed that peoples had to go from one stage to another with mechanical regularity and in predictable order .
4 It is critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness , values and attitudes , skills and behaviour consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision-making . ’
5 As a form of enterprise entirely consistent with that thinking and with the given social order , Co-operation could command the support of John Stuart Mill just as much as it responded to the exhortation of Samuel Smiles .
6 South east very much consistent with past orders and with expectations of orders both total and export , so in this case it 's sort of the export total story as well as the domestic demand story helping the region .
7 The repertoire of transactions in which teachers engage their pupils when teaching X depends , among other things , on the nature of X and on the mental picture of the pupils ' developmental path held by the teacher ; the teaching will presumably be , in the teacher s eyes , consistent with these factors and at some levels , demonstratively effective .
8 But these cluster developments have proved unpopular with local residents and with local general practitioners , who often feel relatively unsupported in taking responsibility for up to 20 recently discharged chronically mentally ill people .
9 The failure of the DUP to endorse the illegality of working-class loyalists , which stems from a general reluctance to break the law and an evaluation of the present situation which argues that such extreme acts are not yet justified , should have made it unpopular with working-class loyalists and to an extent it has .
10 My Lords , the , the point made by the Noble Lord is that it is an important one erm it is important that teachers do feel comfortable with this subject and to that end the erm grant for education support and training is making money available and religious education has been added to the number of subjects for which it can be made available to help with er improving specialisms in schools , but also pr improving co-ordination for religious education in schools .
11 More than 6ft tall with short hair and in his forties , Spiro is said to have reminded Waite of Sean Connery in his James Bond days .
12 She was admitted to a London hospital on 10 October 1992 with ruptured membranes and in spontaneous labour .
13 Now if , well , certainly there 's a lot more complicated things in complex numbers , you should , all you really done , is to , this thing about the complex you get them work out some algebra , you go out and Z square some algebra and then you 've done the complex with some algebra and with the use of plus and minus signs in there , it 's a little bit tricky , but nothing , that , that , at A level that you should n't be able to handle , right , and once you 've got that you look for some new , just , working and the least , and deciding what happened when you 've actually got .
14 But there are many other interesting studies going on , concerned with all aspects and at all levels of education .
15 Company Human Resource Policies — a two-and-a-half-day programme for those directors concerned with human resources and with responsibility for leading strategic change .
16 First , it is mainly concerned with English law and with English governmental , legal and political institutions : despite the fact that in constitutional and governmental terms the United Kingdom is , for many purposes , a single unit , there are respects in which Scotland and Northern Ireland deserve separate treatment which they will not receive .
17 In the secondary sector they may from time to time be concerned with defined localities and with those young people who come to their attention from specific communities .
18 However , relations with China remained close , as did those with neighbouring Thailand and with BO>Singapore .
19 We are a voluntary body , but thankfully are able to influence the decision-makers because we have among our members those with local knowledge and with expertise in many disciplines relevant to our work .
20 Whilst Samuilo was extending his power at the expense of Byzantium , the emperor Basil II was preoccupied with internal problems and with the advance of the Fatimids into his possessions in Asia Minor and the Levant .
21 This hypothesis is compatible with earlier results and with a study of hypertensive patients with high renin profiles , a condition likely to be associated with increased angiotensin II , who were found to be at higher risk of coronary heart disease than those with low renin profiles .
22 You will not be disappointed with this disc and on registration will receive two extra4 volumes .
23 The disk is round , diameter up to 5–6 mm covered with a dense coating of spinelets , which are rod-like with bifid tips and in some specimens may be covered with skin .
24 Bluett 's has a steamer , vase and bowl , each inlaid with intricate patterns and in startlingly good condition .
25 The course opened in 1989 with six students and after these small beginnings an annual application of ten , building to a course total of forty , is expected .
26 They 'll complain about the price , and be gauche and horrid with each other and with the girls .
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