Example sentences of "[adj] for [noun] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I I du n no I I I ca n't work out cos all of Dan 's girlfriends yeah Amber , Sonia and Honey most people have all said I do n't think she 's right for Dan and you know I ca n't I ca n't work out whether they actually think that or they 're just sort of saying that because he does n't talk to them as much or something , I do n't know .
2 On the following Monday she proposed to go back to the job she had taken to make it financially possible for Peter and her to buy their little home .
3 It is no wonder that yesterday 's debate did little for democracy and nothing to help the country understand Maastricht .
4 We 're all sorry for Joanna and we appreciate how difficult it will be for you . ’
5 yes , but Joan asked at the end , did n't she , if it would be possible for us to use that for history and they said yes
6 Not quite the poverty of no shoes , of basic and meagre food , no possessions other than the most rudimentary necessities — but too near that for comfort and he knew plenty who were in that condition .
7 And also we think they sensibly looked at the actual provision of sites in areas which have proved popular for employment and which do not compromise environmental objectives .
8 She says some have been empty for years and she wants to live in one .
9 Power sharing was understandably crucial for SDLP and it proposed that government should be carried out by an Executive with cabinet posts in proportion to party strengths in the Assembly .
10 The air was warm for April and he felt comfortable again .
11 It was very warm for Kirkistown and I lost concentration half way through , but luckily got it back together before the end . ’
12 It was very warm for Kirkistown and I lost concentration half way through , but luckily got it back together before the end . ’
13 Well , we feel that there 's it 's obviously quite a lot of points that are , are very good in the report , but we really feel that it 's concentrated very much on the administration of pension schemes , rather than security and I think that whilst if everything that , everyone of his recommendations had been law , I think it would have made it more difficult for Maxwell , but I do n't think it would have made in impossible for Maxwell and I think that what th what we see the problem is , is that in many ways the , the Maxwell problem was brought about by two major , major factors I think .
14 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
15 It becomes less important to Picasso later on but it is something which is constant for Matisse and it has always been recognised by critics who have described him as a painter 's painter .
16 Were getting into an area which I think is a whole different programme and before this programme started I might tell you we were having a little er discussion amongst ourselves whether or not er zoo 's were good for animals and I suppose there is a discussion about whether prisons are inevitably going to be degrading because of , because of what er , what , what a prison represents which is a curtailment of freedom , but we do n't have time in this programme , so that 's another one for next year , can I ask you , we 've , we 've touched a lot of basis and it must be frustrating that we ca n't pursue er to the end some of the things we 've er , we 've picked on , but can I ask you a couple of final questions , as far as you know have you committed a crime ? , button one for yes and button two for no , as far as you know , I mean we have n't got time to go into what they might be so your perfectly free to be very honest and honestly reveals that three people are n't quite sur , oh yes there they are
17 A fat lot he even cared about being late for church and she trying to keep up a good style .
18 it was only ten to eight and I got up because I thought I was getting late for work and I 'd better get moving .
19 Ice stakes were also useful for belays and we chose 8mm × 60m ropes for climbing , though in the end we barely used them .
20 And this had gone on for some time and he was down on the shore anyway one night and looking out across the the sea and thinking long for Eday and he met this man .
21 Ferguson said : ‘ I 'd be happy to let him go because it is important for England and I do n't want to seem obstructive . ’
22 Ana seemed to be almost hungry for company and she took to coming along to Maggie 's room to chat , although she never spoke of her blindness and Maggie ventured no questions .
23 S. H. We were held responsible for property and we had to go round and test every doorway and that would occupy the first time round — say an hour and a half — and then usually you had to go round and test them a second time , just to make sure .
24 The third category is called the weak nuclear force , which is responsible for radioactivity and which acts on all matter particles of spin 1/2 , but not on particles of spin 0 , 1 , or 2 , such as photons and gravitons .
25 It would be quite simple , she thought frantically , to tell him the truth : that she was not responsible for Dana and she did n't know her plans .
26 Er well that , well then we decided to get us , er one for summer and we went on the market and I think , was it a nine tog that 's all ?
27 The commission wants two environment funds , one for conservation and one to promote clean technologies — both to be effective in 1984 .
28 He was a little the worse for drink and there had been an argument over a bottle of whisky that Drew had in his pocket .
29 It 's so difficult and frustrating for parents and one feels so isolated , and one needs to discuss these problems with other parents and the parents working together , of course , could do so much in erm getting units started and getting people to understand this problem .
30 Both he and my mother were keen for Thomas and me to go and live with them there , but I preferred to be independent .
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