Example sentences of "[adj] in [art] [adj] [noun] before " in BNC.

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1 Mean energy intake ( Table III ) was not significantly different in the two groups before treatment , increased in both groups after four weeks ' treatment , and was maintained in the steroid treated group but not in the group treated with the elemental diet after 13 weeks .
2 The latter is seen more clearly in March 1264 when Roger represented Henry III in the abortive negotiations before the final outbreak of hostilities .
3 Nuns , and lay-women , were prominent in the 1959 demonstration before the Dalai Lama 's flight to India , and during the 1969 Cultural Revolution .
4 Toss these in a little flour before folding into the mixture .
5 The Americans were engaged in bloody battle against the Japanese empire from December 1941 but the Soviet Union had concluded a neutrality pact with Japan in April 1941 and , given the gigantic struggle against Nazi Germany , had no intention of becoming involved in the Far East before the European War had been successfully concluded .
6 If the hon. Gentleman will think back to days gone by , he will remember that such questions have been perennial in the few weeks before a general election .
7 It is evident from the comments made by the nouveaux romanciers that they considered themselves to be developing and integrating the formal experiments of writers drawn from a carefully selected modernist canon , suggesting that they judged modernism to have been incomplete in the French novel before their arrival .
8 That confidence becomes apparent in the tense seconds before a fight .
9 It was claimed that he had purchased the Surrey manor of Woodmansterne from its tenant while litigation about the manor was pending in the Common Bench before him and his colleagues .
10 size There are approximately 2400 civil servants in the Department of Education and Science and there were 96,000 in the old DHSS before its split into two separate departments in 1988 .
11 Of equal significance was the territorial spread of British cities , which massive new house building in a low-density form implied ; the decentralizing city was emerging and , with 2 per cent of the entire area of England changing from rural to urban in the 12 years before 1939 , a new interest in land use change was shown , not least by the geographer L. Dudley Stamp .
12 In 1950 , he was Swiss sculls champion and finished third in the European championships before moving to Manila to work for his family 's private multinational company , Eduard Keller Ltd , for four years .
13 Here , he scored 20 in a tense hour before being caught high at mid-off by Allen off Verity .
14 Mr. Ashworth and Mr. McGregor none the less submit either that , so far as the English common law is concerned , Walker 's case is to be preferred to any inconsistent later decision in any other jurisdiction , or that , as an action by a child for damages for pre-natal injuries had not been recognised as valid in the English courts before 1976 — the enactment of the Act of 1976 — such an action could not now be allowed to develop and the English common law should be taken as being what the latest United Kingdom cases available might have indicated before 1976 .
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