Example sentences of "[adj] a [noun sg] was make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , in the 1890s an attempt was made by the trade to introduce arterial embalming as practised in the United States , the leading campaigners for this being the funeral furnishing firm of Dottridge Brothers .
2 Or rather , why was it chosen ? — for we know nothing of how such a choice was made in Greece .
3 Such a request was made to Thomas Dundas by four of the councillors of Dunfermline who pressed him to use his interest with Lord Sandwich to get Midshipman Ebenezer Fish serving on board the Warwick a place as a lieutenant of marines , since the marine officers were not required to have the years of sea-service demanded of naval lieutenants .
4 Such a laugh was made for very few .
5 An attempt to provide such a strategy was made by the Royal Commission on Legal Services , which reported in 1979 .
6 On 22 January 1991 an order was made by consent in the Ontario court which , inter alia , granted to the father liberal and generous access .
7 In March 1757 an application was made on his behalf to St Luke 's Hospital for the insane , a private asylum opened in 1751 by a group of London philanthropists .
8 And even before she died , there were already signs of a new threat , when in October 1558 a truce was made between France and Spain .
9 In 1627 a settlement was made on Barbados , which had two additional attractions : it was uninhabited , so the dangers of warfare with the Caribs did not arise , and it was so far to the east of the island chain that it was even better protected by the trade winds than any of the other islands .
10 In 1830 a search was made by a British Government expedition , but nothing was found .
11 In February 1959 a treaty was made between the United Kingdom and the United Arab Republic which provided for the return of sequestrated property , except property sold between October 1956 and August 1958 .
12 Between 1963 and 1974 an attempt was made to measure the abundance and distribution of the common and widespread birds breeding in Sussex woodlands by a series of sample censuses .
13 On 13 October 1988 an order was made by Master Munrow directing the trial as a preliminary issue of certain questions arising out of the plaintiffs ' notice of objection .
14 In 1676 an arrangement was made with the widow of William Gape , a past Master of the Company , for plants to be transferred from her Westminster garden to Chelsea and work began on the building of a brick wall around the property .
15 During the divorce proceedings Mrs Flint applied for ancillary relief and in July 1990 an order was made under s 24 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , transferring the matrimonial home to her .
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