Example sentences of "[adj] and he do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But I did n't er I think his teaching days , he was getting rather old and he did n't control us as he should have been able to .
2 He told the court he did n't believe the accused 's story , Kim was shy and self-conscious and he did n't believe she would have brought Shukir back to the flat .
3 Leary said : ‘ My French is only adequate and he does n't speak English but we managed a conversation about the things that matter to us .
4 Talking to reporters in Magherafelt , the scene of the latest bombing last night , Sir Patrick said he was satisfied the present security policy was adequate and he did not anticipate many changes .
5 His term ends on December 31st and he does not want another one .
6 Stok 's face had gone rigid and he did n't look like himself , just as those mathematically accurate waxworks never look like the people they portray .
7 It was warm and he did n't feel lonely when she was there .
8 George II died in October 1770 and his grandson , twenty-two years of age , became George III and he did not have the same deep concern for Hanover as had his forbears .
9 ‘ She looks as if she 's asleep and he does n't seem to be having much fun either . ’
10 The plaintiff got into financial difficulties because the price was too low and he did not supervise the work properly .
11 He had a big putt to hole on the 17th and he did n't make it .
12 then also er a talk with the dep about what he 's gon na say , and I 'm gon na put at the beginning please do not refer to this as being prepared for you , that 's two times he 's been to a launch and said that and he do n't give it such a spontaneous thing , so er I did meet him and tell him
13 He had n't thought further than that and he did n't want to worry Lucy more than he had to .
14 Well , maybe that 's how Dean Martin remembers it all , but Sinatra 's marriage to Ava Gardner had finished in 1952 and he did n't marry Mia Farrow until 1966 .
15 Unfortunately this anaesthetist was n't very good and he did n't give her enough .
16 His fees were petty and he did n't bleed his patients with leeches or use strange zodiac charts and stupid incantations .
17 I get asked to a party with John Paul Getty II and he does n't show .
18 We told him it 's elapsed because they 're not at Dagenham any more and he does n't like it .
19 ‘ But holidays , particularly in the summer , are marvellous because in the water he is entirely independent and he does n't need anybody .
20 He 's got his teeth into this , he 's angry and he does n't seem to have a lot to live for really .
21 He was having heart problems , it was exceedingly hot and he did not want to rehearse .
22 I did it for one and he did n't get in !
23 He 's big and he does n't talk much , but he 's not dangerous . ’
24 One of the cupboard doors had creaked open and he did n't want to see inside .
25 ‘ He is wealthy and he does n't eat better than us and his father works in his garden ’ was a comment tinged with admiration , but dominated nonetheless by the thought that a man so obsessed did not lead the full life .
26 It was while he was still at Seletar that England declared war on Germany on September 3 , 1939 and he did not return to England until February , 1940 .
27 We recall having the same feeling about Leon Brittan , Richmond 's Tory MP until 1989 and he did n't dress off the remnant rail either .
28 A new And he did n't understand how it could happen .
29 A shop would be too expensive and he does n't want a pub .
30 Mike Sheron did not cost £1.2 million and he does n't speak French but no-one in the Premier League has made swifter progress this season .
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