Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [noun pl] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Some writers have high and low versions of all tones .
2 The New York Herald headlined ‘ These Girl 's Do n't Drink , Smoke or Flirt ’ and printed an article , attributed to Mary , in which she explained how difficult it was for her to maintain discipline in a society where young girls were surrounded on every side by such bad examples of free and easy ways in all walks of life .
3 Nearly 10,000 delegates voted for ( i ) the introduction of direct and secret ballots for all internal party elections except that for the national executive committee ; ( ii ) the reduction of national executive seats from 37 to nine ; ( iii ) increased consultation at grassroots level on party policy and an end to PRI headquarters interference in the party affairs of the state ; and ( iv ) the nomination of the presidential candidate by a PRI national convention of democratically elected delegates and not by the outgoing President as before .
4 There was no consideration at all given to the possibility of disincentives operating in the informal social context , and a total neglect of social and economic incentives of all kinds .
5 In the longer term the accumulation of social and economic deviations in all areas of Russia would indeed have profound effects on Bolshevik plans for the future .
6 From the start of the University 's anniversary year the MacRobert has been a hotbed of Jubilatory activity , with the Arts Centre a focus for social and creative events of all kinds .
7 It is truly a privilege to follow a maiden speech , and I am sure that I express the view of right hon. and hon. Members in all parts of the House in extending a warm welcome to the hon. Member for Hemsworth ( Mr. Enright ) and complimenting him on his words .
8 Right hon. and hon. Members in all parts of the House agree that something must be done , and quickly .
9 Like many right hon. and hon. Members in all parts of the House , I followed with a mixture of admiration and exasperation Lord Carrington 's attempts to negotiate a proper ceasefire , but watched with mounting anger the callous disregard for life and property cynically displayed by the federal forces .
10 A statement would be appreciated by right hon. and hon. Members in all parts of the House .
11 Even when increased authenticity might be judged to be desirable on motivational grounds , one is faced with the problem that the process of learning depends on the recognition of underlying regularities , on the identification of salient and essential features from all the accidental complexities of actual behaviour .
12 It 's one of the most dangerous and delicate areas of all , not in a moral sense , but just in terms of getting the words right .
13 The latest in a long history of skirmishes in the palaeontological world has blown up into what one particularly bad press release describes as ‘ one of the nastiest personal and professional feuds in all of science ’ .
14 The contest , to be staged at Wembley Grand Hall on 20 March , is open to male and female enthusiasts of all ages and levels of fitness from all over the country .
15 ‘ It serves the multiplicity of separate and incommensurable ends of all its separate members . ’
16 Gamble advances the same argument when he identifies the Conservative challenge to the social democratic concept of citizenship as an attempt to block the extension of equal civil , political and social rights to all citizens .
17 fresh or dried leaves , with rich and fatty meats of all kind including game , in stuffings , marinades , with salads , sausages , cheeses , fish particularly oily kinds , bouquet .
18 It will be mainly concerned with pensions , education and health care , because there are well-developed private and occupational services in all three areas and because state services in them make up about three-quarters of state welfare spending .
19 On the subject of equitability across Europe , our aim is to establish that and competitive conditions for all United Kingdom ship builders as soon as possible at national and international levels .
20 there were strong and positive relationships between all staff .
21 Allied 's Tetley Walker subsidiary have established a further subdivision , Peter Walker , catering exclusively for their historic outlets , while Grand Metropolitan 's Group Estates Director recently assured the Georgian Group that ‘ we will always consider historic and aesthetic considerations in all our refurbishments . ’
22 There are , at present , about 6000 pre-vocational and vocational qualifications in all , awarded by about 6000 different qualifying bodies ( Rogers , 1988 , p. 26 ) .
23 I did n't make any hard and fast resolutions at all , of any kind .
24 Was it simply a need to grow out of our teens and twenties , when we scarfed up indiscriminate and loathsome messes at all hours of the day and night ?
25 One the Sun enters the sensitive and secretive sign of Scorpio on the 24rd , new sights , scenes and associations beckon and if not this month then certainly next , you should be on the threshold of some quite remarkable and far-reaching changes on all fronts .
26 In social symptoms like these we have evidence of one of the most basic and dangerous erosions of all — that of the basic psychological restraints against the war of all against all ( and especially of sons against fathers ) which threatens to erupt once the fundamental processes of socialization begin to break down .
27 Some Wardens could supervise matters from the reasonable comfort of homes such as Ferniehirst outside Jedburgh ; but Hermitage castle , the ‘ Strength of Liddesdale ’ in the middle of inhospitable fells and mosses , was one of the most chill and sinister strongholds in all Scotland .
28 Fig. 3.10 Proportions of proximal and distal ends of all major limb bones compared with the proportions of shafts .
29 The Dutch republic , the greatest economic and political success story of the age , had at least in form some of the most incoherent and inefficient arrangements of all for the conduct of foreign policy .
30 On balance the findings suggest that successful treatment requires a comprehensive package of services which address both the interpersonal and concrete needs of all family members .
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