Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [noun sg] but it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Being a local government lawyer can be an extremely exciting and rewarding career but it is not for people who want a quiet easy life .
2 The fragmentation and inequities of prewar arrangements were highlighted in 1937 by an influential report from the Department of Political and Economic Planning but it took the Second World War and the Beveridge Report of 1942 to change perceptions sufficiently to legitimise a greatly enhanced role for the state in the provision of health care .
3 As yet this technique has limited spatial and temporal resolution but it does offer a means of looking at human brain activity in a fairly safe way .
4 Teaching language for the literature and history of a country is a valuable and essential exercise but it is as different from teaching community interpreting as dressage is from steeple chasing .
5 Keeping your fingers crossed and plunging on is one way of dealing with tricky situations which may gain a reputation for the school that it has firm and strong management but it can have costs in the loss of a number of unhappy families .
6 This may well be a pleasurable and interesting occupation but it will not in any way further the quest for the universal philosophy so urgently needed , unless those students and specialist authorities use the opportunities afforded them to serve humanity more widely and wisely than by merely producing yet more literature for yet more students .
7 At the moment it is still a new and unproven product but it could well represent the next generation of TechDoc software , at least so far as the corporate publisher is concerned .
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