Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Water that was clear and alive with wildlife as recently as the late 1940s is now murky and almost lifeless .
2 It is the failure to do so that often makes such programmes both unrealistic and ineffective to participants both during and certainly after the event .
3 Springfield 's voice crackled from the receiver in reply , crisp and full of authority now , all trace of the easy-going backwoods sheriff gone .
4 Knowledge of the properties of shapes means that any exemplars can be recognized as such and distinguished from non-exemplars However , some pupils recognize some exemplars of a particular shape as such and not others .
5 The plan started to work within a few day he became shy and nervous of humans even at feeding times .
6 Even marriage could not cure him of all his anxieties , and it is salutary to remember that , in some situations , he was as frightened of other people as they were of him : he often seemed shy and hesitant in conversation still .
7 She must n't start feeling weak and full of self-pity now .
8 R&D is alive and well in ICL today , but electronic media have had little impact on the operational information produced .
9 We believe that each individual is both unique and equal to others regardless of sex , nationality , colour , creed , class , intellectual ability or emotional , social , physical handicap .
10 Actually when , the capacitive reactance is very small compared with R and R L so that the input impedance of the filter is almost constant and equal to R. Consequently the amplitude of input signal delivered by a sinusoidal source may well remain constant as the frequency changes .
11 Unlike the uninformed virgins described by Selvini Palazzoli ( and who were , after all , Roman Catholics who traditionally place a high value upon virginity ) , I was horrified and disgusted by menstruation rather than by sexuality .
12 Three US marines were killed ( on Aug. 9 and 16 ) in helicopter and plane crashes in the exercises , which took place on Aug. 3-17 and involved in total about 5,000 US troops .
13 Poor old Ma was black and blue for weeks afterwards . ’
14 The Incarnation became a way of instructing the poor and ignorant in truths long since grasped by the wise and philosophically educated !
15 Years of being dismissed by Gould while Lear was lonely and homesick in Rome eventually took their toll , and finally he turned against one of the friends he had been trying most persuasively to woo .
16 There reports were received from far and wide about recommendations already said to have been submitted to Downing Street .
17 If difficulties do arise during your time abroad , you may feel isolated and vulnerable to pressure both from local management and head office .
18 And character recognition is relatively slow and prone to errors even on powerful computers .
19 Ducks and immatures harder to tell apart , but duck Merganser is smaller , has crest higher up on nape , upper pans browner and white of chin less sharply defined .
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