Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [num] [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 Worst of all are the Czech Republic and Slovakia , where 80 per cent of pine trees under 60 years old and almost 50 per cent of oak trees have been damaged by air pollution .
2 Giotto was launched in July 1985 and almost 70 per cent of its original instruments remained intact .
3 Widdicombe ( 1986 , vol. 2 ) , found 81 per cent of councillors were male and only 19 per cent female ; the report showed that 59 per cent of councillors came from three socio-economic groups ( professional , employers and managers , intermediate non-manual ) who contribute 23 per cent of the population .
4 Nevertheless , Tass reported in June that 20 per cent of electric power would be nuclear-generated by 1995 and over 30 per cent by 2000 ( compared with 11 per cent in 1989 ) .
5 Almost half are over 70 and only 13 per cent are under 50 .
6 On the other end of the childbearing period , infant mortality in the maternal age group 40 years and over is also very high ; in the 39 WFS countries about 24 per cent higher than in the 30–39 and about 30 per cent higher than in the 20–29 maternal age groups .
7 For those aged 75 and over 20 per cent of men and 16 per cent of women reported an in-patient stay in hospital in the previous year .
8 Labour voters have not changed their minds in such high numbers 83pc of them will still vote Labour and only six per cent have switched to the Tories or to the Liberal Democrats .
9 All chairmen were social class I , the majority of employers ' representatives were social class II and over 80 per cent of employees ' representatives fell within social classes II and III ( Bell et al. , 1974 ) .
10 But the authority 's figures show that up to September , 1991 , of the 4,916 Aids cases reported six per cent were black and only one per cent Asian or Oriental .
11 Only about 10 per cent of expenditure went on services that were clearly pro poor and about 20 per cent were biased toward those services ( e.g. education , roads , leisure services ) that favoured the better off .
12 A third of teachers thought their report was not very judgmental , about a half thought them fairly judgmental and only 9 per cent thought them very judgmental , a further 10 per cent being unsure on this .
13 Only one-third knew about the financial benefits available to carers , less than half knew of support services available and only 38 per cent would turn to social services for advice .
14 The French record market is very conservative and about 80 per cent of the records in their chart are actually French .
15 Its 1979 census population of about 162,000 was 75.9 per cent Armenian and only 22.9 per cent Azerbaijani , and there had been pressure for some years for its transfer back to Armenia and for a greater degree of autonomy for its predominantly Christian people .
16 As a result , in the sixty years from 1851 the proportion of old people living in institutions almost doubled , rising to over 7 per cent of men over 65 and nearly 10 per cent of those over 75 , and slightly over half this figure for women .
17 The real reason is that competition between the various issuers has forced down the charges levied on the retailers — once as high as 3 to 5 per cent , down to an average of 2.2 per cent in 1988 and now 1.7 per cent and falling .
18 The travelling communities also tend to be younger with 50 per cent of them under 20 and only four per cent over 65 .
19 Nearly 20 per cent of the bottom third and about 10 per cent of the top chose July on each occasion , possibly because it is both one of the two hottest and one of the two sunniest months .
20 According to UN envoy Jean Ripert , sent to Jordan in October , the crisis would cost Jordan as much as 30 per cent of GDP in 1990 and about 50 per cent in 1991 .
21 After a visit to Amman in October the UN special envoy , Jean Ripert , estimated that the crisis would cost Jordan as much as 30 per cent of GDP in 1990 and about 50 per cent in 1991 .
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