Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] [modal v] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If these kids had jobs to do , they would n't be free to do this and they 'd be gainfully working . ’
2 ‘ Any more progress like this and we 'll be back where we started . ’
3 ‘ But we will build on this and we will be back .
4 The induction will also include the suggestion that your limbs are growing increasingly heavy , although your mind will always be clear and you will be completely aware of all that is happening .
5 Whilst most writers resort to some form of categorization of responses , there is a general emphasis , underlined by Kaelin , that , whilst such structuring may be useful for learning or communication , its value is transitory and it should be readily discarded in favour of the unity of the aesthetic experience itself .
6 Next week we must have Brian or Gerry telling you why I 'm wrong and they 'd be as persuasive , or more persuasive than I 'm being , but I ca n't see the case for such a thing as a law of form .
7 I used to go into a shop and I 'd shake and I 'd know that I was doing wrong and I 'd be really scared and I 'd just knew I do n't want to go to prison so I decide to stop it .
8 She is , of course , very old and it would be most unkind to move her . "
9 Twenty minutes at the very longest and she would be back under the street lamp .
10 It might have been a very worthy course to stay in England and incessantly work for peace : but I had one traditionally acquired or inherited prejudice , which many will think foolish and which may be logically diffilcult to defend .
11 Erm it may be erm er worth , in that , in that context , saying something about erm to get a contrast effect between y'know sort of how people would feel if they saw a man and a woman kissing in public and they may be perfectly alright about that but they may er feel particularly disgusted when it 's sort of two men or two women .
12 It will give us that much longer to get to know one another and it will be much more interesting than a 12-hour flight . ’
13 The warden said that she would turn the heating on so that the fiat would be warm and she would be there herself to welcome him home .
14 Now the same ankle has been put in plaster for 10 days because of tendon trouble , but Keegan insisted : ‘ It 's not too serious and he will be all right . ’
15 Ellison 's role with swing and seam may be crucial and it must be earnestly hoped that his back , the source of trouble in the past , holds up to increased demands .
16 Do it too early and you may be dangerously slowed .
17 We agree that most housewives are very undervalued and there should be far higher state benefits for the less well-off — particularly one-parent families — but is n't this taking things a bit too far ?
18 It is long overdue and it will be warmly welcomed by senior and successful classroom teachers , who can look forward to seeing the additional efforts and successes that they have achieved in the classroom being properly rewarded in their pay structure .
19 Cecil 's first winner for Lord Howard de Walden was Beninta in 1971 and there must be now genuine hopes that Pursuit of Love can succeed where the owner 's Kris failed narrowly behind Tap On Wood in 1979 Guineas .
20 We 've heard tonight , and I do not believe it , a plea from Councillor , the Chairman of Social Services , that he wants ring fencing of Local Government money , I E the Government sends us our money and says , you will spend it on that and that and that and there will be now power of Local Councils to decide what the needs are in their areas and what their priorities are .
21 He was aware of the lath and plaster clinging to the bottom of the joists ; put a foot through that and you 'd be right through the ceiling below ; chap could fall slap into the bath from here , probably ; or into the twins ' room , maybe ; perish the thought ; daddy coming crashing through the ceiling , give the little perishers nightmares for the rest of their lives .
22 I understand the facility fee for our filming will be 75 and I would be most grateful if you could send me an invoice in due course .
23 Your heart will be healthier and you will be far less likely to have a heart attack or stroke when you get older than someone who has exercised very little during their life .
24 If he went to the toilet twice in five minutes his Mum would think he was ill and she 'd be out like a shot .
25 The Government seem to think , ’ If we can keep inflation down , everything will be fine and we will be electorally popular . ’
26 Unfortunately , because such situations are created by combinations of events the number of possibilities is very large and it would be prohibitively tedious to enumerate all of them .
27 At events such as fayres and jumble sales things become very hectic and there can be fairly large sums of cash floating around .
28 But because you were home I felt that you should be completely better and everything should be back the way it was .
29 It sounds pretty good and it would be around about May the twenty first twenty second , so it would be after the football season has finished er so we 'd have a tour of Old Trafford , the Manchester United football ground behind the scenes , go to the special museum there , see all of their trophies , do something similar at Anfield the following morning and in the afternoon on the Saturday go to Granada T V studios and er on the Sunday we 'll be going er around Liverpool and their various er little places of nostalgia around the er the Beatles .
30 ( It must also be said that only about one in ten of the adult population in Britain in teetotal and it could be that at least some people in this group are unwell , rather than the other way round . )
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