Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What at first sounds like Americans with too much free time on their hands soon evolves into a startlingly open-minded and enriching panorama of soundgames and rock ‘ n ’ roll graffiti .
2 In the past session the department has organised the following conferences and seminars : ‘ Minority Languages — the Scandinavian Experience ’ and ‘ Scottish and Scandinavian Emigration to North America ’ .
3 It came up with a risky and controversial course of action : close the county 's ‘ surplus ’ long-stay residential homes and reinvest in specialist community-based services for elderly people .
4 The 30 and 41 ship with 32Mb RAM , 424Mb disk , 19″ GX graphics monochrome screens and ISDN — see page three .
5 He 's undoubtedly intelligent , we know he 's a thespian of some note and could put up a spirited and convincing defence in court .
6 A well-kept secret until recently has been Watts 's rendering of The Wonderful Travels of Prince Fan-Feredin , in the Country of Arcadia ( Northampton , n.d. ) , from the French of 1735 , reprinted 1788 , of G. H. Bougeant ) , a spirited and intricate blend of romance and mock-romance .
7 At this stage the act of shopping itself may depend on a very primitive and haphazard rate of exchange , possibly one-to-one .
8 Indeed the overall triumph of art in this case is that the novel walks out into our fact rather than ourselves entering its fiction : a very primitive and absolute form of consumer capitulation .
9 If you must have something to end the meal , be very French and elect cheese without biscuits .
10 Subsequently a number of books have summarized this and other work on earth hazards ( e.g. Whittow , 1980 ; Perry , 1981 ) but two singular ones are worthy of special attention .
11 Much of the interest in the recent past in job enrichment programmes has sprung from this and other work by Herzberg .
12 Apart from this and another text of Scaevola , there are examples of these composite dispositions only in Maecianus and Marcellus .
13 Jan. 4 EC Foreign Ministers agree to invite Aziz to talks in Luxembourg , but this and another offer on Jan. 9 for talks in Algiers are rejected .
14 We fired rifles , and and and and and this and this sort of thing .
15 Walter de Maria has always rummaged about in the realm of the mystical and this month at Gagosian ( downtown ) until 9 May he shows his ‘ 5–7–9 ’ series , betraying a continued interest in numbers and , according to the gallery , psychic phenomenona .
16 That , however , does not justify a failure to include in the partnership agreement a clear and effective set of rules ( as to length of notices , coincidence with accounting dates , and so on ) settled with the interests of the firm and its continuing partners as the priority .
17 By 1989 the DOH had installed " a clear and effective chain of command " upwards from Districts to Regions , the NHS Management Executive and the Secretary of State ( DOH 1989a : 13 ) .
18 One of the difficulties was that we did n't have a clear and accurate measure of performance of the system .
19 It is hoped , also , to establish personal contact between organisers and teachers so that there is always a clear and accurate picture of classes in any given area .
20 On the other hand — and the two aspects of English attitudes could indeed be different sides of the same coin — there was an especially clear and early assumption of community obligation to support the aged poor .
21 It would be immensely helpful to have a clear and simple account of explanation in the natural sciences as a guide to scientific method in the social sciences .
22 The new papers cut through these complexities and provide a remarkably clear and simple picture of SH2- and SH3-mediated interactions ( see figure ) .
23 The good news is that Emma has been given the all clear and regular check up appointments at St.Bart 's and Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford will make sure she gets the right care from the experts .
24 In other words , whereas Figure 3.1 presents the meeting of prediction with facts as a clear and decisive moment of truth , a little thought will show that there is always plenty of room for manoeuvre .
25 It appends that promise to a clear and comprehensive code of conduct ( one that builds helpfully on the recently published Fleet Street set of principles ) .
26 It appends that promise to a clear and comprehensive code of conduct ( one that builds helpfully on the recently published Fleet Street set of principles ) .
27 Best practice , as advocated by the Elton Report and HMI , is to strike a clear and healthy balance between rewards and punishments .
28 17.66 The SATs at ages 14 and 16 should provide pupils with a wide choice , but should require them to produce a number of contrasting pieces of writing within both long and short timed tasks and spanning the range from imaginative literary uses of language to the clear and orderly presentation of information and argument .
29 Clearly a certain amount of skill is involved in the discussion of uncertainties and assumptions in detail sufficient to demonstrate objectivity and yet maintain a clear and convincing line of argument .
30 There are also problems with the compression of morbidity thesis , most notably the lack of any clear and rigorous evidence of decreases in morbidity and the non-availability of measures of morbidity with which to test his proposition .
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