Example sentences of "[adj] of what is [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't be surprised if you retain no more than half of what is said at your first lectures .
2 Visitors should be informed of this important factor — be careful of what is said within earshot of the person .
3 ON a day when conditions were typical of what is expected at Barcelona in July , British Flying Dutchman crews proved they are no longer the lame ducks of the Olympic team by finishing first , second , fourth and fifth off Hyeres yesterday .
4 Critics , of course , argue that even with the best will in the world British Coal can not replace much of what is destroyed in getting the coal out of the ground .
5 So far , rather surprisingly in view of his family 's origins , he says very little , but he obviously understand much of what is said to him .
6 As Britain 's only national pop music station at present , Radio 1 is most likely to interest aspiring rock and pop musicians , so I will explain its workings and policies in some detail ( although much of what is said about Radio 1 will also be applicable to Radio 2 ) .
7 It is certainly the case that in much of what is said about pension comparisons with Europe , areas that would lead to a substantial loss among some British pensioners , including those to whom my hon. Friend referred , are often overlooked .
8 Much of what is written about education seems to assume , with the best possible motives , that only what they get from their schooling , influences , or can ‘ make ’ or ‘ save ’ , young people .
9 Little scientific data has ever been released to assess the effect of the killing on the dolphin population , and much of what is known about the hunt has been gathered at great personal risk by non-government organisations .
10 You can see that much of what is known about the Moon can be accounted for by these theories .
11 Much of what is approved of may match up in their self-image with how they see their strengths and qualities of which they would like more .
12 So we 're way down on all the others ! so , that then falls three hundred thousand pound short of what is required to er , give ministers an increase to twelve thousand next year .
13 I 've seen so many clients train dogs in classes too large and too loud , where the pup becomes confused and unsure of what is expected of him .
14 Though parents are usually eager to help they are often unclear of what is required of them .
15 This literature , whilst being mindful of the ordinary business cycle of boom and slump , growth and recession , is especially mindful and critical of what is seen as the increasing coincidence between the five-yearly election cycle and the rhythm of the economy .
16 The primary object of family counselling is to help negotiate new , mutually acceptable and agreed expectations , with each party being aware of what is expected of them , and how much they can reasonably expect from others .
17 An SBU or divisional manager will be motivated to seek appropriate investments if he knows clearly what the generic strategy for his SBU is ( he would presumably have participated in determining it ) , is aware of what is expected of him in terms of building or maintaining competitive strengths , and knows that early-warning indicators will be set up to monitor how his investments are contributing to the improvement or maintenance of those specific strengths .
18 those employed in senior management may by the nature of their jobs be fully aware of what is required of them and fully capable of judging for themselves whether they are achieving that requirement .
19 Planning will be hazardous as planners are not aware of what is required from them and there is no basis for establishing whether or not the organization is succeeding .
20 If its editors can elicit combative prose from a wider range of directors , future editions could yet provide an antidote to the star-struck hype that makes up most of what is written about the movies .
21 Their two boys of three and five would be eating Jaffa cakes for breakfast , lunch and supper if their parents did n't insist that they eat up most of what is put in front of them .
22 Most of what is known about acute aluminium poisoning comes from studying patients treated for kidney failure by dialysis .
23 Most of what is known about Leapor derives from a letter by her friend and mentor , Bridget Freemantle , to a gentleman in London , probably John Duncombe though possibly John Blencowe .
24 Most of what is known about him is derived from a Life by Izaak Walton published in 1670 .
25 Most of what is known about social development is based on the study of encounters between a child and one other person , yet much of a child 's life takes place in groups of more than two persons — within the family , the neighbourhood peer groups , the pre-school group , and so on .
26 Though many polar invertebrate species appear to be endemic , very little is known of their biology : the liveliest , most prominent and most numerous elements are the arthropods , and these have provided most of what is known on adaptations and ways of life in terrestrial and freshwater environments .
27 Alas , this is no longer true of what is left of Rudolf 's collections .
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