Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 A rapid review such as this of theories of knowledge and the curriculum can not hope to do justice to the various concepts and models , and risks inducing a kind of conceptual vertigo .
2 If you sell all or part of your business when you retire , you may not have to pay tax on the first £150,000 of capital gain with a further exemption allowed of one-half of gains between £150,000 and £600,000 .
3 Twenty-nine months after acquiring HIV-1 infection , he remains free of symptoms on zidovudine and has 494/L ( 34.2% ) CD4 lymphocytes .
4 I 'm not fond of things like apricot and nectarine
5 Aunt Tossie had a faint dribble of desire at the corners of her mouth when , at length , she laid down the slate pencil and rose from her chair to face Mrs Geary , her companion in what was to be an immortal triumph : its finale that most acceptable of puddings before diets and regimens were conceived : a really beautiful Trifle .
6 A question related to that of perceptions of science and arts is the extent to which relationships in departments are formalized .
7 For the two-thirds of families between $5700 and $35 500 , the tax ratio varies only in the range 32.4–33.9 per cent .
8 During the previous three years , Crawford had written hundreds of letters to producers and directors in his search for work , but it was his love of cycling — he sometimes rode from South London to Brighton and back in a day that landed him his first work in repertory theatre .
9 The corps was formed as a result of lessons learned in the Gulf War and brings together hundreds of soldiers from Germany and the United Kingdom .
10 As well as the hundreds of demonstrations by artists and craftspeople covering all art forms , this year The Artist has helped organise a very much larger Materials and Techniques section where you will be able to try out art materials , ask questions and buy products from many of the UK 's leading art materials ' manufacturers .
11 Hundreds of accidents to children and thousands of deaths of animals are caused every year by thoughtlessly discarded waste .
12 HUNDREDS of teachers in State and independent schools face the threat of redundancy as a consequence of funding changes in schools and the impact of the recession , a classroom union leader said yesterday .
13 After the first world war the line became part of the Southern Railway and on summer Saturdays special trains hauled by massive locomotives brought hundreds of holiday-makers from London and the North .
14 The researchers concede , though , that none of these explanations seems adequate to account for setts containing hundreds of metres of tunnels and dozens of chambers , which are ‘ amongst the largest and most enduring artefacts constructed by any non-human mammal species . ’
15 Like , we get literally hundreds of calls on Friday and Saturday nights and we 're sending vehicles out to the same thing every time .
16 All in all , hundreds of questions of logistics and choreography , all needing to be answered before the one crucial studio recording session commences .
17 Operating from one of several palatial villas in Marbella , Spain , al-Kassar was publicly one of the DEA 's most wanted fugitives and privately one of the CIA 's most useful ‘ capabilities ’ , having supplied hundreds of tons of US and Eastern bloc arms to Iran , as part of Oliver North 's efforts to secure the release of American hostages , and to the Nicaraguan Contras as part of Oliver North 's efforts to unseat the Sandinistas .
18 THE owners of two houses in Deganwy face a massive clean-up after hundreds of tons of mud and rock from a hillside slid into their homes during the recent downpour .
19 There are thousands on the housing waiting lists and there are hundreds of families in bed and breakfast .
20 Hundreds of kilometres of forest and vegetation had been scorched .
21 Juliet Gellatley , head of Youth Education at the Vegetarian Society , hears from hundreds of parents of vegetarians and would-be vegetarian youngsters ( some as young as five ) wanting advice on nutrition .
22 Finally , The Local Historian 's Encyclopaedia by John Richardson ( New Barnet , 2nd edition 1986 ) is a worthwhile volume , containing many hundreds of definitions of words and terms of value to the researcher , and the Dictionary of British History ( Pan Books 1982 ) is essential .
23 There were hundreds of entries under Wells and a dozen or more A's ; none of them matched with Alison 's address as he remembered it ; and yet she 'd told him she was in the book .
24 There is much to see and enjoy in town but you could spend all your time walking through the Tatra National Park where there are hundreds of miles of paths and breathtaking views .
25 The closures could cause severe damage to hundreds of miles of streams and rivers , the NRA claims .
26 ‘ If you succeed ’ , he went on , ‘ you will have hundreds of miles of country and thousands of men under your orders , and for this it is worth bartering the outward show . ’
27 Taken in a more generous light , there may be a concern here not to throw out hundreds of years of wisdom and depth in a desire to be trendy .
28 But after hundreds of years of colonisation and settlement , of population shifts and absorption , how could it have been otherwise ?
29 The holdings and rights of freeholders and tenants to common land were bought out after the survey and valuation of often hundreds of parcels of land and rearrangement of drainage , hedges , and roads ( Rackham 1985 ) , which increased demand for labour .
30 The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has begun a massive effort to scrape up hundreds of truckloads of dirt and dispose of it , either in waste dumps or by incineration .
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