Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] number of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 Among the manifestations of these attitudes are the statements of some defendants in rape trials , which may show an indifference towards the wishes of women , or a belief that the wearing of attractive clothes or an invitation to coffee is a sure sign of willingness to engage in sex ; and the attitudes of some police-officers in the early 1980s , influenced by any one of a number of assumptions about the prevalence of false complaints of rape , about the ‘ typical ’ rape as an attack by a stranger , about the presence of injuries or bruises in ‘ genuine ’ rapes , and so forth .
32 In some monastic traditions the Office is only one of a number of priorities .
33 This is one of a number of studies within the Centre examining the implementation of aspects of the ERA , under the general heading of the CHARGE ( Challenge and Response in the Government of Education ) project .
34 Mahathir 's proposal was one of a number of plans for enhanced intra-ASEAN economic co-operation which came under discussion at the 24th annual meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers held in Malaysia in July 1991 [ see p. 38345-46 ] .
35 If ownership of a majority of the shares of the employing company , whether the employer is a holding company or only one of a number of subsidiaries in a group of companies , falls into new hands , the employees of that company come under the control of the new owners of the company , whether they consent to that development or not .
36 Caterers may come into contact with the Magistrates ' Court in this way if they commit one of a number of offences relating to their profession , for example licensing offences , or offences under the Food Safety Act 1990 , or possibly offences under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 .
37 Earlier in 1990 the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka , the country 's highest court , opined : It said this in upholding , in the main , the constitutionality of one of a number of bills introduced by the government to facilitate debt recovery in Sri Lanka .
38 He will be one of a number of players in Mike Gatting 's disapproved touring team to South Africa hoping for a reprieve from their ban when the ICC meet this July .
39 ‘ Gary was one of a number of players who impressed me and I 'm delighted to have got him , ’ said Linfield manager , Trevor Anderson .
40 It is only one of a number of instruments which express the official curriculum .
41 The potential pathogenicity of free radicals has been emphasised by recent work which suggests that reactive oxygen metabolities are not just one of a number of mediators and cytokines involved in the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease but may have a pivotal role by initiating the expression of genes controlling may other aspects of the inflammatory , immune , and acute phase response , by activation of the transcription factor NF-kΒ .
42 Caterers , hoteliers , innkeepers and restaurateurs may have recourse to any one of a number of courts for a multiplicity of reasons ; the following are those which they are most likely to use .
43 Systems which operate on the type of boiler which can be turned on or off ( gas-fired or oil-fired ) can have one of a number of controls fitted .
44 Like as not he would n't even recognize her , and he 'd made it clear she was merely one of a number of girls who accommodated him .
45 The health care issue is one of a number of complaints to the Home Office about the running of the Wolds — the first prison in Britain to be run privately by Group 4 Remand Services .
46 In the US Congress the House banking committee , chaired by Henry Gonzalez , was one of a number of committees now investigating the question of why the US government 's Commodity Credit Corp .
47 A person domiciled in part of the United Kingdom may , in another part of the United Kingdom , also be sued : ( 1 ) where he is one of a number of defendants , in the courts for the place where any of them is domiciled ; …
48 ‘ It is only one of a number of options which include proposals from British , US and Continental companies , ’ the source said .
49 But he stressed that this was only one of a number of options .
50 Alun Morgan and Dr Jon Saunders of the department of genetics and microbiology at the University of Liverpool , working with Dr Roger Pickup of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , Windermere , form one of a number of groups of scientists developing techniques to spot a GEM .
51 Until well into the nineteenth century the nation 's coalminers were not regarded as a race apart , living and working in closely-knit communities dominated by the colliery 's winding gear and huge , ugly muck stacks , but merely as one of a number of groups of village craftsmen and labourers .
52 Tommy was one of a number of boys , and he also had one sister .
53 The answer is that the new identities are just one of a number of changes taking place in higher education .
54 This is one of a number of things which have brought English winemakers into conflict with the European Community .
55 It is one of a number of initiatives being introduced in the wake of the ‘ nobbling ’ of Flash Of Straw last August and Her Honour last month .
56 Coun. John Williams , leader of Darlington council , said : ‘ This pedestrianisation of Skinnergate and High Row is just one of a number of initiatives we are taking to improve the environment of the town centre .
57 And this was just one of a number of sites , known only to Halim and his team , where the early Chinese mariners had buried their dead together , as was their custom , with porcelain some of which had been fired in the imperial kilns of the Sung and Ming dynasties and dated back as far as the eleventh century .
58 ‘ It is just one of a number of sites which we are looking at to formulate an extended park and ride system , ’ he said .
59 The courts have made clear on several occasions that section 76 lays down a ‘ general principle ’ of parental choice which is only one of a number of factors to which an LEA could or should have regard when exercising their functions .
60 If it is accepted that ability to consume is the major determinant and indicator of economic status — and that is implicit in the common concern over the ‘ standard of living ’ of different groups in society — then the conclusion must be that retirement is only one of a number of factors that affect economic status , and retirement alone is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for economic dependency .
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