Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Article 67 of the Treaty of Rome provided for the abolition of restrictions on the movement of capital within the Community during the first twelve years of the Community 's existence .
2 He had stayed clear of the subject of religion since Christmas .
3 If my agent can pick up their traces clear of the garrison at Castell Coch I 'll have my friends from Gwynedd running for Aber within a week .
4 Each man would wear an individual set of breathing apparatus and as each group got clear of the gas in Bank mine the equipment would be taken back into Knockshinnoch by rescuers and used by another group of three men .
5 I have seen carp humping the surface over the top of this ledge and even leaping clear of the water on occasions , and at one point along the bottom of the shelf a dense mudcloud was invariably evident .
6 The undeniable need to establish a personality clear of the shadow of Mrs Thatcher was confounded with the mistaken urge to repudiate what she stood for .
7 Individual pots can be sealed in a plastic bag held clear of the foliage by wire hoops .
8 Marian stood away clear of the spatter of water that came off the stone steps .
9 I stayed well clear of the sort of people who thought I had a dead-end job in the Civil Service , and those who knew what the job was stayed clear of me .
10 Even the soldiers , when they are drunk , keep clear of the area in case they stumble and start the bell tolling . ’
11 This value is simply the reciprocal of the proportion of income taken in leakages , i.e. .
12 Leave the dim of the bucket about 1–2in above soil level .
13 Skaardal , well recovered from an ankle problem bothering him at Val d'Isere , was 43 hundredths of a second behind Heinzer and Lasse Arnesen , eighth the previous weekend , 52 hundredths from 19th start number .
14 I think that we must wait and see what his detailed policies will be , but everything that I have seen and heard suggests that he is certainly very understanding of the situation in Northern Ireland .
15 As pointed out by the report of the Law Commissions , this requirement causes problems whenever property either does not pass at all , or passes independently of the transfer of the bill of lading , or where the transfer of the bill is not causative of the passing of property .
16 Moreover , both the War Ministry and a growing number of officers were increasingly conscious and resentful of the damage to morale and efficiency caused by use of the army for internal ‘ policing ’ duties .
17 The police officer then proceeded to caution the applicant again , as was his duty under paragraph 16.5 of the Code of Practice for the Detention , Treatment and Questioning of Persons by Police Officers ( ‘ Code C ’ ) published by the Secretary of State pursuant to powers conferred by section 66 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
18 It was an unfortunate choice of phrase when memories are still fresh of the summer of discontent when workers staged sit-downs on some platforms in an attempt to secure better conditions .
19 And then you get half of a bottle of wine as well or something .
20 They proposed to sell half of a property in Kent for around $55M , to which the banks would agree subject to cross-collaterisation .
21 To make a pattern , mask half of the arch with paper and draw round the outline .
22 Wattling 's father was in the army , and his mother spent half of the year in Singapore or wherever he happened to be stationed , so his state was even more bereft than Tilney 's , whose parents were divorced but whose father was stationed less than fifty miles away .
23 Clearly , this has played a role , but The Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Overseas Trade ( HMSO , 1985 , pp. 238–41 ) concluded that the responsibility for at least half of the increase in unemployment since 1979 is laid directly at the Government 's door .
24 For example : students hear only half of the dialogue on tape and have to supply the missing lines ; students take notes and then give an account of what happened ; students act out what happened from memory ; students answer questions about the dialogue .
25 In an extreme case of a rise of 5–6 m in sea level , the USA would lose most of its southern coastal lowlands including half of the state of Florida .
26 Indirect taxation in the form of VAT is a major source of UK tax revenue , accounting for about half of the take from commodity taxation and about 15% of total tax revenue .
27 Libyan forces capture one half of the country on behalf of one side in the civil war .
28 The requirement that the consignor 's name be stated was only half of the document of title equation .
29 ICM interviewed 10,460 adults nationwide in 330 constituencies half of the total between March 31 and April 3 .
30 In other words , perhaps a little more than half of the variation in liability to develop Crohn 's disease is a consequence of inherited differences between individuals .
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