Example sentences of "[adj] it would [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When this was unsuccessful it would look around the cage where there was a long stick and suddenly it would decide to use it to rake in the fruit .
2 Similar difficulties can occur if the former matrimonial home was in the names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , for on the death of either it would appear to a purchaser that the survivor had the right to sell ( Law of Property ( Joint Tenants ) Act 1964 , s1(1) ) .
3 Q My hair is very fine and lank and I 'm sure it would benefit from a perm but I 'm worried that it will break .
4 Tucked away in a small street off London 's Spitalfields Market is a house that is not all it would seem from the outside .
5 ( I wish she would , but fat lot of good it would do to a gilgul . )
6 Also , the vendor should consider the need for warranties similar to those it would seek on a share purchase .
7 to bringing the claim , if it is pursued , the claim maybe good , it maybe bad and it depends upon the circumstances of the underline agreement , that 's one example where something maybe good or it maybe bad , it 's like an intellectual property ride , depending on how you exercise the right , it maybe good or it maybe bad , if you use it to block parallel imports or for some anti competitive purpose then it may be bad , erm it , it 's not necessarily the case that if you have a clause in the contract it is always in every circumstance bad , where the clause itself allows the undertaking concerned , to exercise it in a particular way , now , erm so so that as a matter of principal not all clauses could be automatically said in a standard form contract to be good or bad and it may depend upon how they are to exercise in a particular way , what we have said is the , the , erm , the provision in on , on the , the unfettable authority , er , erm and powers of the agent , erm is void it would depend upon the facts of each individual case whether or not every other restriction as your Lordships seen again only through and the cases they side , erm that other provisions in a standard form contract may on the facts be had , it depends upon the significance of the particular clause in the circumstances , my Lord in , in answer to your Lordships question , I do n't think it necessary follows that every clause is bad , but we do say it depends upon the facts and we have pleaded that not all loss might be erm defensible against .
8 Glancing at him , she was tempted to tease him about the sugar he had borrowed earlier , but if she did that it would amount to a tacit admission that he was right about her behaviour .
9 ‘ The majority of local authorities wo n't even publicise that they have a duty to provide because they were frightened it would result in a huge increase in demand they would be unable to cope with ’ , she said .
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