Example sentences of "[adj] it is [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In extreme situations like this it is not surprising that the local population becomes angered .
2 With rules generally being so rigid it is hardly surprising that diets , and the good intentions that go with them , quickly get left behind .
3 A. If your Temporales are still about the same size they I am afraid it is extremely likely that you have two of the same sex , as size is a major sexual difference in this species , with males around 50 per cent bigger in all directions than females .
4 As the intrapatient variability is large it is not surprising that , with 17 patients , their study again fails in this regard .
5 With Wexford House situated in what was the heart of Bomber Command during World War II it is very fitting that it will honour in particular the men and women of that Command .
6 Considering Dicke 's thesis as well as van de Kamer 's publication in 1952 it is quite clear that when Dicke went to Utrecht to perform his classic dietary fat absorption experiments , he had already been convinced for years that wheat , rye , and oat meal products were the offending agents in the cause of coeliac disease .
7 Although the relationships between risk and recognition performance found in Study 2 were rather more complex it is still possible that all or part of the relationship was caused by the explicit focus on risk during the judgment phase .
8 1.6 It is not necessary that an item qualifying an E should be a P. This is not the case in our next example , ( 16 ) .
9 From the above it is reasonably clear that : ( 1 ) the question of whether there is a " formulated dispute " is not conclusive ; ( 2 ) the requirements of a judicial function and the judicial procedures of submissions and evidence are conclusive unless specifically contradicted by commercial practice and/or contractually incorporated rules ; and ( 3 ) the agreement to accept the decision is not conclusive .
10 By the late 1660s it is almost certain that , as Thomas Shadwell [ q.v. ] suggests in The Medal of John Bayes ( 1682 ) , he began employing the young Dryden to write prefaces , commencing a relationship that developed through the 1660s and 1670s when Herringman bought up the copyrights to most of Dryden 's work .
11 If he can only argue to himself that they seem ’ interesting' it is highly likely that he does not really know why he is putting them in , or what he will do with the answers when he gets them .
12 Nevertheless , cattle are enemies of grass in that it is still true that an individual grass plant would be better off not being eaten by a cow than being eaten , and any mutant plant that possessed , say , a chemical weapon that protected it against cows , would set more seed ( containing genetic instructions for making the chemical weapon ) than rival members of its own species that were more palatable to cows .
13 These definitions are not very helpful being somewhat tautologous but despite that it is fairly plain that all original integrated circuits will be covered by the regulations .
14 R v Secretary of State for Home Department , Ex parte Kuku ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls and Staughton LJJ ) ; 28 Sept 1989 It is highly desirable that foreign nationals to whom r 10 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 169 applies should not only by warned by the Home Office of the necessity under s 3(4) of the Immigration Act 1971 of obtaining a visa if seeking re-entry to the UK after a short visit abroad , but that that warning should take the form of a document attached to the foreign national 's passport , so there is no question of any misapprehension .
15 Given the very complex nature of France 's post-war politics , especially with regard to Algeria in the late 1950s it is hardly surprising that the SDECE , as the DGSE was then known , has found itself embroiled in numerous scandals .
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