Example sentences of "[adj] it [was/were] [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The aminosalicylate reduced the fever , but as salicylates are known to do this it was thought that the effect might be non-specific .
2 On Dec. 12 it was announced that the railway authorities of France , Belgium and the UK had agreed a pounds 580,000,000 order for 30 high-speed locomotives , intended for use on such routes .
3 On May 12 it was announced that the Speaker of the National Assembly , Moses Kiprono arap Keino , had resigned .
4 On the evening of Jan. 12 it was announced that the existing six-member High Security Council had that day , by virtue of a mandate to preserve continuity given it by the Constitutional Council , resolved " that it is impossible to continue the election process until the necessary conditions are fulfilled for the normal functioning of institutions " .
5 On Aug. 12 it was reported that a lawsuit had been filed against Henri Emmanuelli , President of the National Assembly ( lower house of Parliament ) , for alleged misuse of public funds [ see p. 39023 for Le Monde report ] .
6 On Aug. 12 it was reported that the air and naval high commands had withdrawn their support for the President , dissociating themselves from the incidents of Aug. 10 .
7 On Nov. 30 it was revealed that the protracted custody struggle over seven-year-old Hilary Foretich had ended with a New Zealand court granting custody of the child to her mother , Elizabeth Morgan .
8 On Sept. 6 France had blocked proposals to allow increased access for beef and other meat , but on Sept. 30 it was agreed that the three countries could increase meat sales by 10 per cent per year for the next five years , with the EC preventing any adverse impact on the internal market for its own produce by financing the sale of all this additional meat to the Soviet Union , Romania and Albania .
9 On July 30 it was reported that the two countries had agreed new commitments to reduce the trade imbalance in a second follow-up report to the Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) talks .
10 On March 2 it was announced that a new Committee for Employment and Emigration would assist the Foreign Ministry in exploring openings for Albanians to work abroad .
11 By 1985 it was recorded that the top 6 per cent of the population in income terms now received 25 per cent of national income , while for the poorest 20 per cent their share had actually fallen from even the 5.9 per cent they enjoyed in 1979 .
12 In another it was said that the legitimate expectation of a prisoner that he would be allowed maximum parole if no disciplinary award of forfeiture of remission of sentence had been made against him , gave him sufficient interest to challenge the award .
13 On Jan. 22 it was reported that the government had ordered a tightening of security at the prison holding Pablo Escobar amid reports that he had been able to continue running his drug cartel through visitors .
14 Moreover , in January 1991 it was announced that the tests for 7 year olds had been modified and would take up half of teaching time for three weeks .
15 On Aug. 7 it was announced that the United Arab Emirates had launched a programme to strengthen its armed forces ( which numbered 40,000 before the 1990-91 Gulf war crisis ) and replace its component of Arab and non-Arab expatriates with UAE nationals .
16 He had returned to Poland on Jan. 4 to answer the charge , and on Jan. 7 it was reported that a lesser charge was being substituted because prosecutors had ruled that Tyminski had attacked Mazowiecki as a rival candidate rather than as the holder of state office .
17 On April 7 it was reported that a helicopter had bombed a village in Sierra Leone .
18 In Weld-Blundell v Stephens [ 1920 ] AC 956 it was held that an accountant owed a duty to keep a letter of instructions confidential .
19 On Oct. 10 it was announced that the central committee of the ruling party , the Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , had approved a proposal for the drafting of a new constitution by a special commission which was to include representatives of " all socio-professional groups " ; the draft would be put to a referendum in late 1991 .
20 In Section 4.3 the correspondence between the metric components and the Newtonian gravitational potential was noted , and later in Section 6.8 it was seen that the metric connection and hence the first derivatives of the metric components correspond to the gravitational acceleration .
21 In 1250 it was discovered that the lands which Aubrey , a forester of fee of Whittlewood Forest , held by serjeanty in Northamptonshire , had been alienated in part , and that ‘ the serjeanty of Peter of Minton in Shropshire , for which he ought to keep the forest of Long Mynd and the hays of Bushmoor and Haycrust ’ had been ‘ alienated in part by divers parcels ’ .
22 1836 It was moved that the dinner which had been assessed on the public be discontinued and was carried on the casting vote of the Chairman .
23 By 1920 it was appreciated that the Great War had brought about many changes , particularly in Europe and around the Mediterranean area ; Europe 's domination of the world had been weakened , and there was a marked decline in ‘ colonisation ’ , as well as a gradual change from ‘ British Empire ’ to ‘ British Commonwealth ’ , although it took another war to finalise that process .
24 In 1975 it was believed that a large fleet of supersonic aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25 km would have a ‘ noticeable effect ’ on the ozone layer ( World Health Organization , 1976b ) .
25 When the present National Insurance scheme was introduced in 1946 it was hoped that the benefits paid under it would be adequate for subsistence .
26 In chapter three it was mentioned that the effect of getting large volumes of water mixed up in a volcanic eruption is to make it more violent .
27 Erm as the result of a a board of directors decision taken on er March twenty second nineteen ninety three it was proposed that a a new public liability holding company named the Water Company be formed er from the capitali er capitalization of assets currently surplus to requirements of the founding company namely .
28 On Jan. 21 it was confirmed that a peace formula was also being sought within the framework of the Non-aligned Movement .
29 On Oct. 21 it was announced that the last of the nuclear reactors at Greifswald would be shut down by mid-December 1990 , three other reactors there having already been closed during 1990 .
30 After a Cabinet meeting on Sept. 21 it was announced that the mandate under which the multinational rapid reaction force was stationed in south-east Turkey was to be extended for a further 90 days from Sept. 30 .
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