Example sentences of "[adj] in any [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only when she had this data could she say with any confidence whether people who were converted into the Unification Church ( the dependent variable ) were different in any systematic ways from the rest of the population .
2 There were no prizes for guessing , after tonight , that the Desmond Seymour-Stracheys were living on a financial knife-edge , and would be interested in any sudden accession of wealth , by any means , from any source .
3 But they are brought together , in successive books , by the force of this preoccupation , and the reader has to make what he can of the resemblance between two figures quite remote from one another in any coarser understanding of the matter , to do this while adjusting his sight to a vista of copycats , impostors and successive interpretations — a vista which is far from unfamiliar now and can be caught , for instance , in the productions and reproductions of contemporary literary theory .
4 20 per cent of the random sample of the libraries were public in any normal sense of the word .
5 And what it suggests is that structures of desire , emotion and fantasy have deep roots of some sort in the self which are not necessarily amenable in any simple way to processes of conscious rational argument .
6 The failure of the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS — formerly the Communist Party — PCI ) to hold its position as the second electoral force was unprecedented in any post-war elections of comparable scope .
7 ‘ He also said the factory included many novel and revolutionary schemes not operational in any other part of the world , although he stressed that all equipment had been tried out elsewhere ’ .
8 The Iraqi government announced on March 1 , 1989 , that a general amnesty from legal proceedings would be granted to " all Iraqis who reside abroad and are involved in any political crime with the exception of the traitors Jalal al-Talabani and the agents of the Iranian regime [ a reference to the DPK ] " .
9 Apart from anything else , that 'll ensure the court that he is not tempted to be involved in any similar incident in the future with is girlfriend .
10 But they argued on the basis of British press reports that despite the considerable identity of views of the participants to the talks ‘ the Romanian leaders do not wish to be involved in any Western plan for the establishment of a ‘ neutral ’ Afghanistan ’ .
11 It is appropriate to add a few words at this point that might help avert the possibility of becoming involved in any extensive debate about whether associative changes of the sort described here should really be thought of as instances of perceptual learning , producing changes in the perceived similarity of the stimuli .
12 Partly , though , it was the explosive potential inherent in any true conversation between a representative of a dominating power and one of the dominated .
13 The central question to be addressed by the committee was : whether any failings in the level and quality of investment have been due in any important degree to an inadequate supply of finance , reflecting a failure in the functioning of the financial system .
14 We know little in any systematic fashion about the ideological motivation of the rank-and-file membership ( approximately 55,000 strong in November 1923 ) of the pre-Putsch Nazi Movement .
15 Their reading of Balzac was of course extremely distorted — the Balzacian novel was made to encapsulate in a convenient way everything which the nouveaux romanciers considered to be deficient in any modern representation of reality .
16 Indeed the scale of decline for such a major party is virtually unparalleled in any other state in post-war Western Europe .
17 In Russia there were not even formal rules regulating the succession to the throne until 1796 , while Peter I , in an exercise of uncontrolled personal power unparalleled in any other monarch of the period , had in 1722 assumed the right to bequeath the throne to a successor of his own choice .
18 It is clear that food sales in pubs are increasing faster than those in any other sector of the catering industry .
19 Policy in the Netherlands , with its strong pro-cycling ethos , serves as an obvious yardstick by which to judge UK cycling conditions , which were described in a recent report as worse than those in any other country in Europe bar one .
20 The media are crucially important in any contemporary discussion of attitudes .
21 Sample results are in effect the formal means of identifying the presence of pollution and are essential in any legal proceedings as a declaration of rule-breaking in kind and degree .
22 It is consequently essential in any preliminary comments on socialist realism to highlight the great hope and cause for optimism which the Soviet experiment symbolized to many Western intellectuals between 1927 and 1939 .
23 Porter argues that it is also important to distinguish between experience-curve ( learning-by-doing ) effects and reduction of costs through economies of scale , i.e. the reduction achievable in any one period by increasing efficiency through the use of larger production plants , thereby spreading infrastructure costs over more units of output .
24 These three themes named are vital in any real future for the North .
25 However , the numbers seen varied from under 20 to over 200 in any one winter between 1962 and 1976 .
26 It may be necessary in any other type of personal injury case .
27 His next-door neighbour was Sir Adrian Boult , the conductor , but there is no evidence of their being neighbourly in any accepted sense of the word .
28 To a degree unknown in any other use of language he finds himself not only attending to what is said but simultaneously hearing the words as textures of vowels and consonants , noting rhythm , rhyme , assonance ; meanings refuse to be tied down , disclose nuances and associations of which he has never been conscious ; sights and sounds which he has never heeded become sensuously precise and vivid in imagination ; emotion assumes a peculiar lucidity , undisguised by what he habitually feels or has been taught that he ought to feel ; truths about life and death , which he follows social convention in systematically evading , stand out as simple and unchallengeable .
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