Example sentences of "[adj] in some [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Trees seemed to be thinking Tealtaoich 's words over and Tealtaoich , still standing before them , received the impression that they might be somehow conferring with one another in some silent fashion of their own .
2 So warped fantasies about being a big bad soldier start to be taken for real in some dark corner of my deluded male brain .
3 However , it is different for an Irish Wolfhound ; they are all terribly worried that I 'll have to answer nature 's call along with the call of duty , and embarrass us all in some grand place like Wellington Barracks Square , or the Mall , or even the forecourt of Buckingham Palace .
4 This would be searchable in either direction , which could be useful in some parallel application for string searching , or just allowing for reverse searching because the end of the string is more restrictive .
5 And in no time at all erm they were all more or less depending in some small way on me , and I was just absolutely lapping the situation up , you know what I mean , just suited me fine .
6 Sometime after her American tour in 1910 her Russian protector , Victor Dandré , appears to have become involved in some financial scandal in St Petersburg which may have influenced Pavlova 's decision in 1912 to buy Ivy House in Golders Green , London .
7 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
8 She would be hurting no one because , even if Rune had lied and was still involved in some emotional way with Lotta , the Swedish girl had already assumed they were lovers and obviously accepted them in that role without suffering undue pain .
9 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
10 It is obvious that one chapter in a workbook can not be very comprehensive on any one subject and we certainly hope that you will be involved in some further reading from the suggested reading list .
11 FLACO HAS been involved in some fun collaborations over the last couple of decades — his trembling accordion signature on Ry Cooder 's ‘ He 'll Have To Go ’ and the peppy bits on Dwight Yoakam 's ‘ Streets Of Bakersfield ’ are two good examples .
12 The rate of production of red cells is increased at altitude in response to lowered oxygen and this can be helpful in some mild forms of anaemia .
13 It makes me wonder if they are n't deficient in some other aspect of their lives . ’
14 Methodism also became and remained strong in some urban centres of old-style manufacturing such as Norwich and the Potteries .
15 She 'd have been stuck in some noisy complex in Pollensa and then had to drive back to Palma to do his share of the work .
16 I 'm stuck in some bloody conference with my only contact with the outside world being a terminal .
17 These will be heavy in some western areas at first , then spread to other central and southern areas for a time .
18 In the case of India , in fact , a highly protected market had been highly competitive in some key sectors of the economy .
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