Example sentences of "[adj] be to [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is to be the new club shop where we hope to sell T-shirts , calendars and fluffy bookmarks in the club 's colours .
2 Despite this bad start , this was to be the only meeting the unit was to have with Müncheberg 's Messerschmitts , for their time in Sicily was almost at an end .
3 The Whigs had recovered somewhat by 1705 , giving the Tories a good run for their money , and they actually won the Election in 1708 , although this was to be the only General Election they were to win under Anne .
4 This was to be the legal basis for the armed detachments of workers who were supposed to confiscate surplus grain and the hoards of speculators .
5 A significant proportion of local notables joined the popular revolution in order to master anarchy : this was to be the classic pattern of revolution in the nineteenth century .
6 This was to be the divisional point .
7 This was to be the major stumbling block in difficult and often angry negotiations , in which Stewart Mason played a key part — anxious to avoid a precedent for unclassified degrees in other parts of the United Kingdom .
8 Surely this was to be the winning throw , but , oh disaster , gloom and stress , surely it was n't .
9 Henceforth , and unlike the earlier period , this was to be the dominant aspect of the rite .
10 With eight editions published by 1964 , this was to be the main connection linking Nesta Webster to the development of the fascist conspiracy theory .
11 Realism had flourished with Defoe , Richardson , Fielding and Smollett , and these were to be the presiding deities of the new British novel .
12 These were to be the major elements of the action project .
13 The years 1182–3 were to be the maker-break crisis of Richard 's rule in Aquitaine , faced as he was by so many enemies .
14 If this latter is to be the ultimate model , with the student 's role being somewhere between that of a battery hen and a laboratory rat , then surely most teachers would wish to have no part in its evolution .
15 Qudis Networks Ltd is to be the primary distributor for the system in the UK and the list price is £700 for each personal computer .
16 Mr Deputy Speaker I have to confess to you it is a matter of some indifference to me as to how many M E Ps were elect elect to the European parliament , er if eighty one is to be the new magic number well so be it .
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