Example sentences of "[adj] be [vb pp] to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Maréchal de Bassompierre , again a military man , after another brief embassy to London five years later , was given by Charles I " four diamonds set in a lozenge , and a great stone at the end " : this was said to be worth £7,000 and was perhaps the most valuable present ever given by any English ruler to a foreign diplomat .
2 This was destined to be of particular importance to the measurement of time , because the blacksmith was the forerunner of those who constructed the first mechanical clock .
3 The order could , for example , provide for the child to live with his grandmother during term time and his parents during the school holidays if this was felt to be in his best interests .
4 In July it was disclosed that the Soviet Union was owed the equivalent of 87,500 million ( 25 per cent in convertible currencies ) , but much of this was believed to be for arms sales to poorer countries who were unable to repay it .
5 This was judged to be in response to the government 's failure to honour conditions of the US$1,400 million standby arrangement negotiated with the IMF on Nov. 10 , 1989 [ see p. 37040 ] .
6 An essential requirement surely , if this was meant to be in any way a useful gift , would be an adequate number of notes .
7 There are numerous examples of the poor quality of court-appointed lawyers ; John Young went to his death even though his trial lawyer had signed an affidavit admitting he had been ill-prepared at trial due to drug use , the recent break-up of his marriage and the discovery of his own homosexuality ; another attorney had his breath checked by the judge for signs of alcohol , another was found to be in contempt of court after arriving back from lunch drunk … and so I could go on .
8 They 've been banned from sale in Oxfordshire , but hundreds are believed to be in circulation across the country .
9 ( 2 ) That a requirement that the plaintiffs should give an undertaking had no justification in Community law since any obligation to make good any damage suffered by the defendants in the event of section 47 being found to be in breach of article 30 of the Treaty would fall upon the United Kingdom Government ; that accordingly , the question was to be decided on the ordinary principles of English law and it was within the judge 's discretion not to require an undertaking in damages ; and that in the circumstances , the grant of an interlocutory injunction was fully justified and should be restored ( post , pp. 173D–F , 189A–H , 190A–C , D , D–E ) .
10 The loss in remittances from workers in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States by the end of 1991 was expected to be in excess of US$150 million .
11 Of the 35,000 who have been accepted , about 26,000 are expected to be at the start and these will include one of Britain 's most famous athletes , David Bedford , who has slimmed down for his first big race since he retired 11 years ago .
12 They are subject to the general legislation prohibiting anti-competitive and restrictive practices unless these are judged to be in the public interest .
13 On one occasion , two of these were seen to be in open disagreement about the legitimacy and desirability of actions taken by the authorities ; on another occasion , one of these was set up , in effect , to review recommendations made by another .
14 Of course , SERPS rights had to be forfeited , but for younger people these were calculated to be worth much less than the personal pension could offer .
15 In two patients with a history of single events these were considered to be of respiratory origin .
16 All three were said to be in a critical condition last night .
17 All are expected to be in the same ballpark .
18 A few of the players such as Jim McKeever and Phil Stuart reside in Belfast but all are expected to be in Dublin not only to be feted but to cheer on the present day Oak Leaf county heroes .
19 The ontological version of the argument involves the claim that existential propositions , in the final analysis , can all be shown to be about certain concrete ontological items and attributes of such items .
20 In classical physics , if I measured each electron 's position as it was delivered they would all be found to be in the same place .
21 Some were canonised and others — like Eckhart and Tauler — were hounded by the Church , but all were seen to be of enormous importance by their contemporaries , even by people who could not follow them into the inner world .
22 On July 29 a Croatian report cited figures from the Bosnian health centre that to date 8,018 had been killed in the fighting and 100,000 were said to be in " concentration camps " , reports of which remained unconfirmed .
23 Most of the mergers actually referred to the MMC were found to be against the public interest , and the effects of the legislation went beyond the cases actually referred .
24 The main difference between the ‘ Oracles ’ and the Created God is that the former were believed to be of ‘ divine ’ origin , whereas the latter would be of mankind 's own creation , and therefore under human control .
25 None of them was seen as capable of safely preparing a meal ; seven would wander away from home if not watched ; four were substantially incontinent ; five were thought to be at risk with gas or fires ; six were physically frail or had mobility difficulties .
26 Day 1 was planned to be to Biarritz via Jersey and La Rochelle , with Day 2 to Santiago via Asturias on the north coast of Spain .
27 But of course it is only reassuring if the person can be relied on to be there whenever the need arises — and you can be sure that that is bound to be during the last class hour on the longest teaching day of the week .
28 and use that as an note and bring that back to one , but you still ca n't do it , so that 's got to be minus one
29 Unfortunately there have rarely been precise identifications although two are stated to be of Middle Eastern origin , the Cypraea Arabica from Sarre grave 238 and a tiger cowrie from Haslingfield ( Cambridgeshire ) , whose source is the Red Sea .
30 Other northern Malawians arrested between February and May 1989 are thought to be among those set free .
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