Example sentences of "[adj] be [vb pp] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Had that been approached in the same meticulous way ?
2 Often caused a plant which can , according to ordinary rules , be transplanted at one place , not to admit of this being accomplished with the same advantage at another place , but particular treatment is often required at each place .
3 This is supported by the few studies specifically of rural areas ; Moseley and Townroe ( 1973 ) found that immigrant firms in East Anglia retained most of their original linkages outside the region , and Hodge and Whitby ( 1979 ) , in a study of the eastern Scottish Borders , found that few in-migrant firms had important local linkages .
4 Finally , the review board gives its own separate opinion to the Secretary of State who orders both the inspector 's report and the review board 's report to be published , and this is done within the same cover .
5 This is made from the same type of material as the nose cone there .
6 Ann Ab Return ; annual abnormal return ( per cent ) , this is calculated in the same way as the last measurement , the only difference being the time period under consideration .
7 There followed a time of uncertainty and bloodshed which was eventually resolved when the republic developed into an empire with Augustus as its first emperor from 27 B.C. The Augustan period from then until his death in A.D. 14 was one of the great and successful ages of man and , architecturally , this is reflected in the many great buildings which were erected under the auspices of Augustus whose boast was that when he came to Rome it was a city of bricks but that he left it a city of marble .
8 This is shown in the several measurements obtained at various times of card subjects of known area .
9 This stage was followed by the introduction of individual ownership and this was followed by a few people gradually monopolizing the ownership of the means of production .
10 This was followed by a few minutes of silence .
11 The regiment 's first official title after the 1881 merger was The Halifax Regiment ( Duke of Wellington 's ) but this was changed after a few weeks to The Duke of Wellington 's ( West Riding Regiment ) and again in 1920 to The Duke of Wellington 's Regiment ( West Riding ) .
12 A wheelwright at marriage , he had subsequently made a successful career in the building trade , and by the 1830s was rated on no fewer than six houses in Gore Hedge — almost a third of the street .
13 The second is based on a latter day philanthropy , which like its nineteenth-century antecedent , muffles the iron fist of control in the velvet glove of sentiment .
14 All three are caught from the same swims , although not necessarily at the same time , and in every case there are two-tone specimens .
15 These are made in the same kind of way but for each pattern shape you work on the same set of needles as if you were turning the heel of a sock .
16 If these are mixed in the same diagram the distinctions between categories should be indicated by using differently shaped blocks .
17 Princeton Diagnostic is headed by the former director of President Reagan 's Drug Abuse Policy Office , Mr Carlton Turner , along with a retired rear admiral and a self-described ’ international expert on toxicology ’ .
18 When comparing engine powers , make sure all are measured by the same system or convert one to another ( imp hp × 1.014 = metric hp or ps ; imp hp × 0.746 = kW ; ps × 0.736 = kW ) .
19 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
20 Two additional ORFs initiating at nucleotide position 700 and 757 are nested in the same frame ( deduced M r 29 and 27 kDa , respectively ) ( Figure 1 ) .
21 For example , onions , bananas , trout and cauliflower can all be cooked in the same chamber without taste transfer .
22 Prepare lists of utterances which may all be said to the same tune , e.g. following example from Portuguese of Brazil : listen to each list in turn listen to pairs , one word from each list , across insert one utterance from list 2 near the end of list 1 , and vice versa , and listen to check that you hear the difference between them standing out clearly
23 Horses are individuals and can not all be trained in the same way .
24 They can not all be fitted into the same rigid framework .
25 For example , the following terms may all be used for the same object : Eyeglasses , Spectacles , Glasses .
26 This part of the task is very slow and time-consuming and if more than one plate is being constructed then they could be clamped together and all be drilled at the same time .
27 Although you can only work on one piece of a garment at a time , you can have up to sixteen separate pieces in each garment file , as long as they will all be knitted to the same stitch and row tension .
28 Competition with the same binding sites in F9 EC cell extracts is shown in tracks 2 and 3 ; tracks 1 to 5 were taken from the same experiment .
29 All died soon after , as did the mother , and all were buried in the same sepulchre .
30 The criminal law includes only one type of non-consensual sexual act as rape , namely the insertion of penis in vagina by force or threatened force ; it excludes sexual intercourse between husband and wife , no matter how much the latter is beaten by the former to exercise his ‘ conjugal right ’ ; it excludes most sexual acts achieved by fraud , deceit , or misrepresentation — thus a man may pose as a psychiatrist and prescribe sexual intercourse as therapy to a ‘ gullible female ’ , because he knows the law will regard this as acceptable seduction rather than rape ; it excludes men who use economic , organizational , or social power rather than actual or threatened force to overcome an unwilling but subordinate , and therefore vulnerable female ; it excludes the forced insertion of any other instrument , no matter how sharp or dangerous .
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