Example sentences of "[adj] be [adj] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 We have seen that both Marx and Weber see contemporary Western societies as capitalist , and both agree that the crucial distinctive features of this are private ownership of the means of production , and a market for labour .
2 In societies organised around sexual differentiation ( which means all known societies ) we are led to believe that masculine and feminine are simple categories of the natural world , like plants and animals or lions and tigers : the two classes exist and can be defined .
3 Some were lifelike studies of the Domain .
4 By far the most exciting is Molecular Biology of the Cell , which will surely become the standard work for cell biology .
5 Surely this was solid confirmation of the hypothesis that the false corpse turned mystery survivor had taken to petticoats and a high voice until safely landed in New York , where he surreptitiously discarded his drag in a subway toilet ?
6 All three are inherent components of the natural earth surface processes that occur in arid and semi-arid regions but have been exacerbated by human activity .
7 Also promising are electronic versions of the Yellow Pages and other directories , complete with thousands of computerised maps .
8 These are small batteries of the type more normally used in hearing aids .
9 These are logical components of the model .
10 Whether they are already leaders or aspire to more senior positions or are any part of those steadily developing collegial teams which are necessary to manage the diversity of educational change , then breadth of knowledge , a political awareness of the wider field of debate , the capacity to stand back , criticize and to argue to an acceptable and workable end , all these are essential parts of the professional 's equipment .
11 These are ancient divisions of the territory , recognized for centuries past as distinct pays , but you are unlikely to find them entered on a modern map , so I should apologize for introducing what will seem like obsolete names .
12 These are simple cases of the general thesis that information is power — information about a named person can confer power over that person , and the more complete the information the greater the power .
13 D. F. Sherry and B. G. Galef experimented on the black-backed chickadees ( Parus atricapillus ) of Canada ( these are close relatives of the British tits in which the spread of the habit was recorded ) .
14 All of these are varying intensities of the same basic sound unit and should be treated as such .
15 It is recognised that these are important aspects of the learning and teaching approaches for the modules and it is recommended that they are used for formative assessment .
16 These are welcome indications of the academic community enhancing its capacity to engage collectively in self-criticism .
17 These are voluntary statements of the standards of business the trade association expects from its members .
18 According to Althusser , this model is the key to the Marxist concepts of contradiction and non-contradiction ; for these are ideal types of the two ends of the spectrum of relations which can exist between practices .
19 These are simplified forms of the results of the self-consistent models of Hill and later workers together with engineering approximations to make them suitable for the designing of composites .
20 All these are degenerative diseases of the central nervous system .
21 Also known as the Furies , Daughters of the Night , or the Angry Ones , these were avenging goddesses of the Underworld in Greek mythology .
22 These were mere fragments of the complex arrangements which he had made in order to secure his throne , and they were entirely necessary to Henry if he was to have sufficient support among those families — perilously few and divided in their allegiance — who alone could ensure his survival as king of England .
23 Often , of course , these were different forms of the same general relations , though the latter can not be reduced to the former , in all or even a majority of cases .
24 Having settled in London in his early twenties he edited Gossip and Piccadilly , and in 1891–3 was foreign editor of the Globe .
25 The new technology element does n't exactly creep in in this business either ; personal computers , laser printers , document scanners and the like are vital elements of the system .
26 All were distinguished members of the Royal Academy and all three have died within the past year .
27 Also present were legal representatives of the RRA and for one of its individual members , Edward O'Callaghan , who lived nearest to the proposed dump .
28 All is euphemistic denial of the one fact of both .
29 When the grunge gets too much , at least 1992 's relentless targeting of the American underground has flushed out a few dissonant rumbles .
30 Viking fits Sparc international 's current edition of the Sparc Compliance Definition — Cypress says it 'll also meet the requirements of SCD 9.0 , now expected in the third or fourth quarter , which will outline a set of parameters for 64-bit Sparc systems ( UX No 380 ) .
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