Example sentences of "[adj] the [noun] [unc] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The decision to induce or not should be discussed , and if possible the woman 's views respected .
2 In 1876 the Institute 's trustees locked the Temps out in Skinnergate during a financial row .
3 In situations like this the school 's efforts to overcome the problem deserve emphasising and the anger deflected to national policies that have brought about the situation .
4 When things are going wrong the Government 's supporters call it a failure of presentation and everyone trots out the old excuse that ‘ we are not getting the message across ’ .
5 Over half the Guardian 's readers thought the paper was biased towards the Alliance , while a mere 5 per cent thought it was biased against ( Table 6.2 ) .
6 Only 22 managed to meet this date , but by 1955 a good submission record meant that about half the country 's plans had been approved , and the bulk by the end of the decade .
7 The new governor of Rhode Island closed more than half the state 's banks following the collapse of a private insurance fund which guarantees deposits at 45 banks not insured by the federal government .
8 Nevertheless , since many astrologers seem to agree that a single phase of the spring moon is the most auspicious of the year , it is quite a normal occurrence for half the year 's weddings to take place within the space of a single fortnight around Holi , the spring festival .
9 I was interested to learn this week that , whereas National Westminster bank — the parent of Ulster bank — had to make provision for £1.9 billion of bad debts , the figure for Northern Ireland was £6 million and that half the bank 's profits came from Ulster bank .
10 Individual householders , faced with the prospects of a water rate , showed as little enthusiasm for the benefits of water ( and with it sewage disposal ) in the home , so that when the Empire ended only half the city 's houses had running water .
11 ‘ But with half the world 's sports Press in town , the idea that we 're a twosome could be picked up by other reporters and become accepted knowledge , ’ Ashley had protested .
12 Half the world 's rainforests have already been destroyed , mainly in the last forty years .
13 Around half the region 's shoppers spend more than two hours a week plodding down the High Street in our search for bargains .
14 In April 1477 the duke 's feoffees granted the countess ' manor of Fowlmere ( Cambs. ) to Queens ' College , Cambridge , for prayers for the good estate of the king and queen and of Gloucester , his wife and son , and for the souls of John de Vere late earl of Oxford and Elizabeth his consort .
15 In April 1477 the duke 's feoffees granted the countess ' manor of Fowlmere ( Cambs. ) to Queens ' College , Cambridge , for prayers for the good estate of the king and queen and of Gloucester , his wife and son , and for the souls of John de Vere late earl of Oxford and Elizabeth his consort .
16 In 1278 the abbot 's men destroyed a piggery belonging to the bishop in Godney Moor , and again in 1315 .
17 In the great days of Suleiman the Magnificent the sultan 's armies reached the gates of Vienna in 1529 , having already subdued Hungary at the battle of Mohács three years earlier .
18 It was still warm , and very quiet ; all the day 's picnickers had long gone home .
19 But despite all the authorities ' attempts to pretend that all goes well , the birthday celebrations are moving forward in the shadow of a public mood of national crisis , dramatised by the tens of thousands of East Germans struggling to flee to the West in recent weeks .
20 If scientists can make all the dye 's molecules react photochemically , and make a product that absorbs in a different part of the spectrum , the material will now appear transparent in the region that the dye molecules originally rendered opaque .
21 Committees and forums were set up inside the local authority , the local Trades Council and the local Labour Party , and together they formulated the idea of a new Employment Department to co-ordinate all the council 's efforts to tackle the economic crisis in the city .
22 All the women 's magazines go on about it .
23 The summer tradition of recapping all the year 's exhibitions ends on the last day of the month at the Zabriskie , while Marie-Jo Lafontaine continues at the Montaigne gallery until the 18th .
24 For all the Chancellor 's efforts to tell us things will come right in time , it will take real , hard evidence that the deficit is coming down to protect Mr Lawson from the bitter mercies of the markets .
25 Membership entitles you to free admission to all the Trust 's properties open to the public in England , Wales and Northern Ireland , and also to those owned by the National Trust for Scotland .
26 Right now I should be putting the frighteners on the lot of them — by flinging Rainbow back behind the wheel , and sending the taxi southwards down the northbound carriageway at a speed so fast that all the aunties ' lives flash in a whizzing 360-degree pan before their eyes , or by rendering the whole equipage airborne while the driver uses the remnants of her chopped-chicken-liver-on-rye to strafe the unsuspecting Anglicans of Wherwell , Winchester and Nether Wallop .
27 All the boy 's instincts told him to throw the money back at the policeman , their natural enemy , but his little brothers ' faces changed his mind .
28 The other alternatives were to shoot the plane down before it landed or blow it up on the ground at Teheran airport when all the Imam 's followers had come forward to welcome him .
29 After commenting that not all the defendant 's statements appeared to be of a similar literary merit , the judge fined him $2,000 .
30 Piper suddenly had the crazy idea that all the Doctor 's masks had been stripped away , leaving him with no more armour than the truth .
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