Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [be] [vb pp] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Science Vote for 1992–93 has been divided as follows ( £m ) :
2 Little has been seen or heard of the V of R this year , but apparently there have been something of an upheaval in the Company at the end of the season and few people are now employed .
3 ‘ In reasoning or inventiveness , little has been gained or lost in the build-up of the human species during the last five millennia .
4 It is difficult to strictly demarcate the two approaches since each has been used and interpreted in a variety of ways .
5 The character can not benefit by what he or she now knows and all the reader can do is reflect on all that has been lost or missed .
6 But Karajan 's will was superhuman where music is concerned and he always had in his hand a trump card : a capacity for inner detachment that left him free of bitterness or rancour for all that has been written and said about him over the years .
7 Instead of repeating all that has been said and written before , we will therefore discuss these matters in a way that enables you to use your common-sense judgement and understand why you decide to do something .
8 It is possible that a generation of children may grow up deprived of their entitlement — an introduction to the powerful and splendid history of the best that has been thought and said in our language .
9 Some teachers , in starting from " what was there " , even abandoned the attempt to expose students to " the best that has been thought and said " .
10 So when he experiences doubt , it is he , not his belief , that has been weighed and found wanting .
11 I mean this has been worn and washed many times for Charlotte .
12 All of this has been enacted and realised and completed in Jesus himself , and the meaning of sin , so far as we are concerned , is only really opened up at the very place where it is borne and done away with .
13 When this has been tested and discussed and agreed , we will do well clearly to commission a team for the work .
14 The most important of the earlier linguistic works in this area are Buhler , 1934 : 79-148 ; Frei , 1944 ; Fillmore , 1966 ; Lyons , 1968 ; but much of this has been summarized and systematized in Lyons , 1977a , 1977b and Fillmore , 1971b , 1975 , and it is to these latter works that most of what follows is directly indebted .
15 Once this has been discussed and agreed by the client , the film goes back to the laboratory to be married to its sound track and to have its ‘ opticals ’ added and ‘ grading ’ of the print carried out .
16 And this has been interpreted as meaning measures which are excessively costly , burdensome , unusual , or which are of no real benefit to the patient .
17 Much of this has been preserved or restored , particularly the west front of the building , above the arcaded atrium , and inside .
18 Once this has been settled and accepted , the next question is — how do you find such people ?
19 Much has been said and written as to how exactly the miracle is performed , but it is widely agreed that a relatively stable group of large general electronics companies in Japan did succeed in the 1970S and 1980S in being continuously innovative in terms of products and markets .
20 Much has been said and written on the potential adverse effects of screen flickers , unfiltered light , and the benefits of different working postures .
21 Unfortunately his paintings passed from fashion and the public eye and much has been lost and awaits discovery .
22 Recovery is therefore possible through the Anonymous Fellowship for anyone who wants it , regardless of how much has been lost or damaged , short of physical damage to the brain itself .
23 You will appreciate that over the past two years much has been studied and debated on the issue of windfarms inside CPRW and we have worked closely with others , including CPRE .
24 So much has been written and read about race that the question ‘ what do people think about race ? ’ seems slightly jaded .
25 As with the official curriculum , much has been researched and written on the ways teacher-pupil interaction can be different for boys than for girls , and a brief initial summary will suffice .
26 Scholars can now be considered fortunate if they manage to find " one unworked field " , Three years later , McKerrow describes this great period as constituting a " revolution in literary history " in the course of which everything previously taken as axiomatic has been questioned or disproved .
27 A huge access shaft 55m in diameter and 70m deep has been dug and protected against water penetration by a specially constructed curtain wall .
28 Profit on disposal of Model Developments Ltd has been calculated as follows :
29 The rise of State intervention in the social sphere prior to 1914 has been acknowledged as marking the beginnings of the process of greater involvement which was to find expression in the Second World War .
30 The part of the churchyard which was closed in 1883 has been levelled and re-seeded with grass and is now able to be mown and kept generally tidy .
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