Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is a degree of autonomy within each of the four countries , and although they may unite in the same objectives ( such as improvements in educational and professional standards ) , each has to be responsive to the nature and demands of its country of origin .
2 That has to be fundamental to our relationship , but it does n't mean I do n't care . ’
3 All this has to be overcome with comprehension both at home and within the community .
4 But this has to be consistent with the value of the produce as compared with the cost of the inputs .
5 A book with a title like this has to be full of choice bits of information that confirm what most of us who have been in the Services have always known — that high-ranking officers can do the daftest things .
6 In some cases , this needs to be relieved by placing a drain ( catheter ) in the bladder for a few days .
7 This tends to be underemphasized in more ‘ localist ’ approaches like those of Duncan and Goodwin .
8 One may agree that the expression which Firth dismisses as nonsense has a curious ring to it but this seems to be due to the choice of lexis which results in a particularly inconsequential proposition which it is hard to imagine ever figuring in actual use .
9 This seems to be true of N. lapillus as well .
10 This seems to be true in spite of the fact that Spinoza was very much of a generation which was concerned to dissociate itself from the Greek inheritance , and indeed he represents something of a fresh injection of Jewish moral feeling into the main Christian current of Western thought .
11 This seems to be inconsistent with the proposition that a higher standard applies where the director possesses relevant skills , but is presumably explicable on the basis that the higher standard relates only to distinct forms of professional expertise , such as that of the actuary or the physician referred to by Romer J , and not where the experience or expertise that the director has acquired is that of a business manager .
12 This appears to be subject to an exception where the licence was granted for a limited period of time and for a specific purpose .
13 However , this appears to be inconsistent with other cases ( see Victoria Fur Traders Ltd v Roadline ( UK ) Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 570 where the plaintiffs had received air waybills over a period of 25 years and never read the terms on them ) and it seems clear that constructive notice of the terms will suffice .
14 This appears to be true of chimpanzees ( under poor food conditions ) , orang-utans , and spider monkeys which show neither coalition formation nor matrilines .
15 The broad picture that emerges from a consideration of mortality in social classes I and II and IV and V in table III seems to be consistent with the notion that inequalities become progressively shallower at older age groups .
16 Neither of these needs to be close to traditional large labour markets and their locations can pay greater attention to residential preferences .
17 As a result a policy has been arrived at that appears to be acceptable to the majority .
18 One has to be ever-vigilant in feeding what I believe are now referred to as ‘ multicultural ’ gatherings . ’
19 erm One just needs to be sensitive to , to the issue .
20 It seems , then , that no contrast between syllable-final and exists in RP , and the same appears to be true in relation to and and to and .
21 The same seems to be true of anxiety .
22 The same seems to be true of vitamins A and E. The best food sources of selenium are fish and whole grains .
23 Unfortunately , the same seems to be true of at least parts of the apparatus of cellular machinery whereby DNA replicates itself , and this applies not just to the cells of advanced creatures like ourselves and amoebas , but also to relatively more primitive creatures like bacteria and blue-green algae .
24 A person who is mentally disordered appears to be liable for wrongs , unless his disorder excludes some specific state of mind which forms an essential part of the wrong .
25 However , when and , the space-time appears to be regular for all , and the singularity caused by the mutual focusing of the two waves appears to have been removed .
26 Mr. Gow : To ask the right Hon. Member for Selby , as representing the Church Commissioners , when he next intends to be present at a meeting of the General Synod of the Church of England .
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