Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh det] [be] [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 There is one important exception to this which is related to the approval process .
2 He said about 30 files in the Public Records Office , including some which were closed to the public , were examined .
3 The next deals with precepts and the the major precept is that which is paid to the Lincolnshire Floor Defence Committee .
4 Jackson Pollock was driven by a despair which was partly his and partly that of the culture which nourished him , to refuse this act of faith : to insist , with all his brilliance as a painter , that there was nothing behind , that there was only that which was done to the canvas on the side facing us .
5 In nationalized industries , the professional standards are those which are applied to the accounts of PLCs .
6 Yet it is noticeable that Italy 's most successful industries are those which are subjected to the greatest degree of competition domestically , such as the tile and ceramic producers , or the clothing business .
7 Appendix ten which is attached to the erratum sheet , it 's the seventh page , you 'll see there that you 've got in front of you all the figures that were really erm concerned with in favour of the and amend er the report on lines fifty four A and fifty four B showing two hundred thousand pounds savings on school meals and you will see that reflected in the columns headed Conservatives , Labour and Liberal Democrats and those are consistent with the resolution papers that are in front of you .
8 • When the flames are out , remove hot clothes but leave in place any which are seared to the flesh , as they provide a sterile protection .
9 The line runs on the ex-L.N.W.R. which is rebuilt to the Berne loading gauge and runs from Peterborough to Yarwell Junction with the H.Q. at Wansford Station , Stibbington , where there is a very good museum .
10 I shall be suggesting in Part Two that the basic idea of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ , and of all value , arises similarly from what feels good or bad to us , and that here again this good and bad which is demoted to the role of what only feels so is ultimately the value which is really there in the world , besides which the good and bad of our social construction of reality is only a kind of useful fiction .
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