Example sentences of "[adj] [that] he [be] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't tell what the words were , but she was grateful that he was being detained .
2 The driver gracefully unwound himself from the low-slung vehicle and stood up , stretching his back , unaware that he was being watched .
3 ‘ He 's utterly convinced that he 's being exiled to St Helen 's , poor devil ’
4 She was convinced that he was being undervalued and underestimated .
5 He could never feel sure that he was being accepted . ’
6 I was happy that he was being made to go to the hospital to have his ankle set in plaster , and because I found him very simpatico I was determined to go and see him there .
7 He sounds like he 's still going through a learning process , coming to terms with the fear of losing friends , and at the same time is worried that he 's being misunderstood himself .
8 He had taken the trouble to seek out the young man in the morning and tease him into conversation — as he thought subtly , but Harrison was immediately aware that he was being sized up .
9 Ebenezer was dimly aware that he was being carried up the narrow staircase .
10 One day as dusk was falling and he was feeding in a deserted cove at a dead razorbill he had found , and a heavy grey sea rolled in among the great rocks below the high-tide mark , Creggan became aware that he was being watched .
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