Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [adv] [verb] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 Our local representative will make every effort possible to allocate separate beds when this is particularly requested but it may on occasion be impossible .
2 You should experiment with the proportion of medium used but this is soon done and it is possible to use the medium to achieve delicate glaze effects .
3 This is ultra running and it is the latest athletic challenge to hit Britain .
4 This is actually frogspawn and it will eventually grow into a tadpole and then a frog .
5 The importance of this is often underestimated but it is essential that not only do you get applicants but applicants who genuinely fulfil your requirements .
6 I mean the one fear surely is that this is n't something which is happening on a , I was going to say a small local area , that 's perhaps exaggerating but it is in a at the moment in a confined locality , we know where it is , it 's not actually here and
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