Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is done as he lifts his rear leg to kick the attacker .
2 This is mistaken because it allows errors to be repeated .
3 From Kuhn 's particular point of view , this is mistaken because it ignores the role played by paradigms in guiding observation and experiment .
4 This is to ask whether there has been time for natural selection to specify the DNA present in the human genome .
5 Bruce Weber 's arty portrait of the now-dead jazzman Chet Baker is hopelessly pretentious — all black and white fashion shots and sun-burst silhouettes — but all this is forgotten as you get caught up in Baker 's sad , pathetic life story .
6 This is to check that they do not infringe either the Television Act , which places some special restrictions on TV advertising , or the ITC Code of Advertising Practice ( see Chapter 16 ) .
7 No , no this is to buy cos we 've moved out of council , council property
8 By this is meant that they derive an important part of their remuneration from singing , playing or directing in cathedrals and major parish churches .
9 It is true to say that Tamburlaine sets himself very few limits , and this is shown when he makes his aspirations clear by telling his friends that he wants ‘ to become immortal like the Gods ’ .
10 I strongly support Tony Delamothe 's view that evidence that treatments are actually efficacious is needed before we start rationing care .
11 If I am warned that my weight makes it highly likely that I will suffer health problems in hot climates , the probability of my being ill is reduced if I do either one of two things — lose weight and/or avoid the tropics , Thus , I have some choice about my life .
12 The creature is seen chasing two teenage boys — but all is saved when one tosses him a can of Pepsi .
13 So ( ii ) someone who says he believes , expects , hopes , or whatever , such-and-such is stating that he believes , expects , hopes , or whatever , such-and-such .
14 The former can do no more than skim the surface of an area which has recently been very heavily mined ; the latter is included because I think that this theory , though recent , is more than a passing fashion and contains some insights into the nature of knowledge .
15 The first essential is to see that she has a good solicitor to advise her and sort out her husband 's affairs , making sure beforehand what his fee will be for the work he is going to do for her .
16 Fleshy fruits of the type birds eat are often thought of as primitive in many features , that is to say that they share more characters with ancestral flowering plant fruits than do fruits with wind-dispersed seeds .
17 And as there is n't the money available to do it at full commercial price , in my view we should go for what they call cross-subsidy , that is to say that they give erm planning permission on a plot for some commercial housing on which the landowner can make some money , and in , a condition of that would be that part of that plot would be made available for low cost housing .
18 I think that is a central criterion to attach the effectiveness of self regulating organisations if the the methodical nature of their monitoring er a and the way that that is done and I hope all concerned will consider these matters carefully .
19 That is proceeding and I welcome it .
20 Any pattern can be designed in just two colours , which would be all that is needed if you want to create punchcard or Mylar charts for tuck , slip , weaving and so on .
21 IDE drives are intelligent , that is provided that you set up the CMOS to show the new drives capacity you do n't have to worry about drive type .
22 Incidentally , one way to motivate yourself if things do get sticky is to imagine that you have to explain the subject to the class the next day .
23 Not only is Jesus the only saviour but he 's also a presence saviour not for the future or the passed , but he is there now and he says now , Paul to the Corinthians now is the acceptable time , now is the day of salvation , not to be put off , not to wait until you 're older until this is settled and till that 's done and you 've had this experience or that experience , now is the accepted time , he is the presence saviour , he is not a saviour for you tomorrow , you do n't know what tomorrow will bring but he is a saviour for the present for now , also he is a complete saviour in Hebrews seven twenty five he is able to save forever , those who draw near to God since he always lives to make intercession for them and finally not only is he a complete saviour , but he will actually save you , not the person beside you , do n't worry about that he will actually save you , there in Romans chapter ten , thirteen , for whoever , for whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved and so the invitation 's to you and it 's to me , it 's to us as individuals , are there a few that 's gon na be saved .
24 cos you could say that 's overreacting but I have n't got malaria and Lisa has .
25 But that 's gone and I said I ca n't run in at half past five when you get home from school and chat to you because Nev will be coming at six and I do n't want to be there all that often when he 's there erm it 's just you know it 's just happened .
26 Yes , and she phoned me and she said I feel as though I dropped out of the bottom of the world she said , you know , I just do n't see anybody , I said well of course you were working on Mondays , you see she used to have Mondays to herself and I would often go round on a Monday afternoon and , we , we could talk , but that 's gone and I said I ca n't run in at half past five when you get home from school and chat to you because Ned will be coming home at six and I do n't want to be there all that often when he 's there erm its you know , its just happened and I also thought to myself and I 'm probably going to move a lot further away then Fen Lane .
27 The position is , looking at appendix one , and if you take the first triangle , which has got nineteen ninety three , ninety four below it , that 's showing that we started off with no clients , and then by the end of the year we expect to have a number of people in our care , receiving services , to which we have a degree of commitment .
28 Boxer Chris Ewbank worth around eight million is moaning that he 's got no money .
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