Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] what was going [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
2 Giving Adam the chocolate bar , letting him tell her those rather dull facts about the sea defences , it had been so easy to forget what was going on — to feel he was just her little brother and everything was ordinary , normal .
3 When he faced her again , that wall was back , and it was impossible to read what was going on in his head .
4 The function keys allow you to call up a variety of viewpoints but , despite this , it was sometimes hard to tell what was going on .
5 ‘ But with all the noise , it was hard to tell what was going on .
6 The public were curious to know what was going on , often trying to get their reflection in the mirror in order to appear on television , and then there was the problem of health and safety and too much camera equipment in a confined space , and then the light was n't quite right …
7 We then went down again , this time backwards which was also excellent fun , if a little daunting with not quite being able to see what was going on .
8 Police sources say the officers were able to hear what was going on inside the car when Sergeant Norton 's radio was accidentally switched on .
9 Nor had she been able to comprehend what was going on .
10 However she thought that at that stage Miss T. was able to understand what was going on .
11 What , what I would always hope though , is that they might go for some help , because even if they decide to separate , and er get support while they 're doing so , they may be able to understand what was going on in the relationship , what they were looking for in each other .
12 She disliked the sensation of being unable to analyse what was going on , either in her own head or in his , which could possibly produce this … shiver of reaction ?
13 She was plainly curious , but too polite to ask what was going on .
14 and they 've got quite a big place at Harrogate where you could go for a day or two to observe what was going on and so on .
15 It was good to have adults about as we were to find out , also it was nice to know what was going on in SW1 apart from evening classes .
16 But behind the strained , happy smiles there will lie the awful knowledge that Alex saw the killer — and was too young to understand what was going on .
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