Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 It would be awful to work in a place where everyone was miserable .
2 ‘ In a way it would be interesting to work in a country where you could n't speak the language so you could communicate with your eye and your camera , not your tongue .
3 I am fortunate to work in a school where all the children are seen as people with questions to ask , ideas to share and problems to solve .
4 Such pupils are likely to flourish in a class where the ambience is not competitive , pupils ' achievements are not ranked against each other , and individual progress and achievement are encouraged in their own right .
5 When she said , ‘ What about bed , now ? ’ they were more than glad to escape from the kitchen where the Very Important Councillor Evans might appear any minute .
6 And the crop-marks that show dark instead of pale are likely to lie along the lines where timber walls stood , prior to the stone . )
7 In the latter case profits accruing to a resident taxpayer from the sale of foreign immovable property are likely to arise in the country where that property is situated although both the contracts of purchase and sale thereof are made in the country of residence of the taxpayer : Liquidator , Rhodesia Metals Ltd. v. Commissioner of Taxes [ 1940 ] A.C. 774 .
8 Expats are supposed to register in the constituency where they last lived , but there does n't seem to be much checking of bona fides .
9 Trespass was obviously unsuitable to deal with the case where the owner had voluntarily put his goods into another 's possession and the other refused to re-deliver them , but this situation was covered by the remedy of detinue .
10 It seems reasonable to suggest that children should in fact learn to read in more than one way — to be mainly concerned with overall sense when the going is easy , but to be able to switch to a mode where they become more aware of and attentive to the actual text .
11 ‘ Of course , ’ he said , ‘ of course , we are happy to live in a state where no such claims are made .
12 Exactly yes we 'll take a breathing space until the new year I mean Neil says that at the moment he 'd be quite happy to get into a job where if he was a good worker he could progress in the job and I said an what about doing your radio repairs in the evening , but he just , he said yes .
13 Certainly Hearts created precious few chances , and the fact their goal , which came in the 20th minute , stemmed from a blunder must have proved hard for United to swallow at a ground where they last won in 1985 .
14 being able to get to a room where there is a bath/shower , toilet and wash basin and be able to use them ,
15 She looked upwards , trying to visualize how the Lift would be able to move past the point where they connected to the Bridge .
16 The intuition behind this optimal strategy is straightforward : it is optimal to sell all or nothing — all when the current price is higher than the price that one can expect to get on future sales , nothing otherwise ; it is optimal to produce at the point where marginal cost equals the expected price on sales .
17 It ought to be possible to get to a position where we can say with regard to a specific query : ‘ These are the most inherently valuable sources available worldwide ‘ about ’ that subject . ’
18 It seems to ignore the way in which existing fares are calculated' including as they do an element of ‘ taper ’ to avoid long journeys made up of several different sectors ‘ bolted together ’ from becoming too high : again something which would be difficult to replicate in a situation where the railways were operated by numerous regional franchises .
19 Dedicated time for training , education , and study will be difficult to find in an environment where consultants feel they are being subjected to increasing pressure and juniors ' hours are being reduced but the clinical workload is increasing .
20 I find it equally difficult to conceive of a case where the court , faced with this problem and applying the approach I have indicated above , would authorise an abortion against the wishes of a mentally competent 16-year-old .
21 I find it difficult to conceive of a situation where it would be a proper exercise of the jurisdiction to make an order positively requiring a doctor to adopt a particular course of treatment in relation to a child , unless the doctor himself or herself were asking the court to make such an order .
22 Both free collective bargaining and incomes policies were difficult to operate in a situation where there were powerful public-sector trade unions , conducting centralized wage bargaining and virtually monopolizing. key services .
23 however , the program control stack is still cleared when the error is detected and it is not possible to RETURN to the point where the error occurred .
24 Thomas was eager to continue to the castle where the one remaining shapechanger could be found , and his mission completed .
25 While business was buoyant there was a living in it for many small shops that are liable to succumb in a climate where 40 per cent of the country are wanting independent deals , and the remainder are demanding much improved advice and service .
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