Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [noun sg] [conj] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By nature he is very much ‘ one of the boys ’ , which must have made it hard to assert himself , he does not find it easy to take advice and is readily upset by criticism .
2 It is easy enough to identify features that are likely to provoke laughter and were presumably intended to do so amongst the common attributes of the fabliaux .
3 Younger people are more likely to identify health as being physically active or as the absence of symptoms ( i.e. never being ill ) than older people .
4 Without entering into the fine detail of what is required for a system of institutional international law it is clear that merely historically-established conventions followed according to the discretion of the participants in international relationships between states is insufficient to constitute law and is better regarded as a form of anarchy .
5 Burcham was quickly surrounded by people anxious to render assistance and was speedily conveyed to the home of Mr Godson , upon whose land he had alighted , where he was ‘ … welcomed heartily and with good cheer . ’
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