Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But then , Bella 's home-help came out of the bungalow and it was no use any more trying to pretend that it was n't happening … .
2 It 'll be interesting to see if I 'm still on this basic-guitar tack when we go in to record the next Tin Machine album .
3 Our study of exotic tribal religions , however , enables us to come to terms with this tantalizing problem at a safe distance ; indirectly it makes it easier to realize that it is not the presence of such beliefs that is odd or unusual but their absence .
4 It was no doubt less advanced in its industrial organisation than Lancashire , where the last of the surviving handloom weavers were absorbed into other employment in the 1850s , but it would be unrealistic to claim that it was not industrial .
5 You may be right , but your cynicism would be easier to accept if it was universally applied .
6 Never buy a barn without planning permission for conversion , and be prepared to find that you are very restricted in what you can do to it .
7 Secondly , the buyer may find it easier to establish that it was not a contractual document .
8 Prompting some to suggest that it 's not only his tongue that should be examined .
9 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
10 The Tories in general were more isolationist than the Whigs , although it would be wrong to suggest that they were not sympathetic to the desire to contain France after 1689 .
11 This used to be a lot easier to do than it is now : for one thing , working in the profession means that you have to belong to the actors ' union , Equity .
12 Nor is it sensible to wish that it were otherwise , since raptures , aesthetic , erotic , intellectual , mystical , in which the spontaneous floods the whole of consciousness , can lift us to heights of awareness beyond our ordinary capacities .
13 It would be wrong to conclude that it is simply because women live longer than men .
14 The reputation of the new drugs had preceded them and a ripple of optimism ran through the sanatorium , though Doctor Staples had been careful to stress that they were still in the experimental stage .
15 ‘ I was prepared to believe that he was genuinely fond of her , although I do n't think many of the others at the Centre would have agreed with me .
16 Whether or not that was the intent of the regulations — and I am willing to believe that it was not the Minister 's intent — that has been the net effect of the way in which the three-week period was cut off due to the way that the regulations were tabled .
17 They continue to argue for what no one else is prepared to offer and they are wholly isolated in a fantasy world .
18 Spending is easier to cap because it is centrally controlled , and because the allocations to health authorities for running hospital and community health services , accounting for 70 per cent of total spending , are cash limited .
19 I do not know any ( secondary ) school teachers who , in private , are not willing to say that they are substantially dissatisfied with the job that schools are doing , for at least a substantial proportion of pupils .
20 For the purposes of analysing intonation , a unit generally greater in size than the syllable is needed , and this unit is called the tone-unit ; in its smallest form the tone-unit may consist of only one syllable , so it would in fact be wrong to say that it is always composed of more than one syllable .
21 For a while there was no conversation and Lydia began to regret that she had put Finn in a bad mood , since usually he was prepared to entertain when she was not .
22 The adventure of the cripple had made them uneasy and they were not prepared to camp until they were well clear of the spot at which they had encountered him .
23 As we have seen , he claims to have had glimpses only of absolute Truth and we have interpreted this to mean that he is often made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain ethical and religious principles and to travel in a certain spirit .
24 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
25 I mean they ought it would be easy to monitor because it is so it 's so concise .
26 The road to follow up into the low hills is marked with the sign ‘ Coteaux de Jurançon ’ , though it is also quite easy to lose once you are up there ; but when vineyards are so thin on the ground as it were in this part of the country , there is every reason to get briefly lost amongst them .
27 Although best buys may be easy to spot as they are regularly listed by several financial advisers , Chase de Vere warns : ‘ Please remember that all GIBs are ‘ limited offers ’ and the best buys are likely to be fully subscribed . ’
28 Indication of perspective presents another convention in which one thing may not in reality be smaller than another but may be shown as such to indicate that it is further away from the viewer .
29 Rather dubiously I put it to the Chairman and I was relieved to find that he was quite enthusiastic about the idea .
30 The man who is convinced that his little clam-digger is much smaller than that of his peers will be delighted to discover that he is much more likely to have a greater co-efficient of linear expansion than his mates .
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