Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sweet trolley arrived , and he was dismayed to see she still had appetite for a generous wedge of Black Forest Gâteau .
2 It is impossible to imagine their ever retaking control , but at a philosophical level the estrangement of the party from some of the old landed values still seems more a separation than a divorce .
3 Her telephone number until that date is — 01.398.5819 — if you are unable to contact her please let Hilda Hewitt know details at the Office .
4 I hope we have succeeded in appointing a Project Manager and will be able to get him here to start work sooner rather than later .
5 ‘ When you expect a deal to happen they may tell you there has been a last minute problem and the people either providing the funds or the guarantee either require a non-performance bond to be put up or require some kind of payment up front to prove you really mean business .
6 Certainly the men were only too ready to propitiate their rarely seen companions , leaving them scraps of food , and pieces of candle .
7 Clearly , it will pose a number of problems : for example , how many young people will come forward for training in agriculture and can the industry absorb them ; is it desirable to have one overall YTS scheme for agriculture and its related industries and , if so , how will it be financed ; and what should be the content and organization of the programmes and should they take place on the farm or in the colleges , or both ?
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