Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [conj] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone will be free to enjoy themselves as they wish , but we shall be arranging a programme of optional sightseeing excursions and activities on a daily basis , which will ensure you miss nothing of the best the region has to offer .
2 It is important to understand that parents do not lose the parental responsibility they have for their child when a care order is made although they may not be entirely free to exercise it as they wish .
3 One point , just to add to what Liz is saying , and I support everything she 's said , one further point is that accuracy is terribly important because if you actually have a mistake in the press release , and the editors publish it or it 's broadcast and a whole lot of listeners or readers write in and complain , they 'll find it very hard to forgive you because they get themselves in a terrible problem , so do be sure you 're giving them accurate information all the time .
4 WHEN law-abiding citizens are driven to desperation by criminals who apparently flout the law with impunity , it is hard to blame them when they take things into their own hands .
5 I do n't think I know anyone who has made a fortune from their knitting machine , but then they are not likely to tell me if they have a yacht in the Mediterranean and a villa in the south of France , are they ?
6 Railway embankments are a favourite because there 's little to disturb them as they forage through adjoining gardens for food .
7 It 's real great to watch them cos they blink on and off all the time .
8 They like to be able to go to a show and to be able to see something that they do n't see in their everyday lives — you know , catching the bus to go work or coming home on the bus .
9 And they 're that bit better than you because they 're able to organise themselves and they do more in day and do it longer and so and so forth .
10 Once both sides have fought , casualties are removed and the two rival units spend the rest of the turn unable to do anything while they dust themselves down .
11 Many people stare good opportunities in the face but are unable to recognise them because they do not know enough about the field .
12 Are there other questions of queries on flag days or are you happy to approve them as they stand .
13 They 're standard army ammunition , but not necessarily issued to the British Army — again , the Ministry of Defence should be able to tell you if they 've come from some British Army depot or not .
14 With this historic and rewarding set EMI are able to show us that they have an artist in every way as important as Horowitz , and in many ways less affected .
15 So we were the first to have them after they get number one .
16 If you start with small frogs , make sure the fish are too small to eat them if they fall into the water .
17 That would be selfish and thus it is necessary to encourage them as they wheel their trolleys round the glittering supermarkets , by the playing of Christmas carols .
18 But I just thought , you know , it 'd be nice to give it because they have been , I mean they 've been really helpful and
19 They are too scared to hug them in case that innocent action is misinterpreted , and too scared to smack them when they do wrong in case they are accused of assault .
20 Accepting money or negotiable instruments in good faith does not render the acceptor liable to return them if they turn out to have been obtained illegally .
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