Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This must go up on the wall ! ’ and stick his latest painting up with Sellotape alongside the daubs by the mentally handicapped group she had played for at Christmas , and the postcards from her friends all over the world .
2 And then the the ships shuddered and and some would go down by the stern and others would topple up and they 'd be great fountains of water .
3 This will go straight into the fund for the benefit of the pensioners , ’ said a delighted Miss Cole , clutching the bankers ' draft after the brief hearing .
4 This can go back in the cupboard .
5 That 'll go right round the top .
6 But if they go straight through , well then that 'll go through to the Spalding tax office .
7 That could go in with the er wrapping paper could n't it ?
8 They also had previous experience , so we hoped all would go well for the second run .
9 Other comments ( from other authors ) that you find interesting and that look as if they might be useful can go down in the blank spaces .
10 Indeed , unless much more is quickly done , the West 's $13 billion will go directly down the drain .
11 that would go up into the forty percent
12 The inspector was pleased to receive that , noting the fact that we had a , a drop in our work output but expected that , that would go up in the next year or two .
13 In a moment we 'll be talking to the show organisers , but first let's go back to the studio and Harriet .
14 But first let's go out onto the river to see how the Oxford Blue boat has been shaping .
15 Now it 's erm twelve thirty four let's go back to the news this lunchtime .
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