Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] have [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That must have been pretty frightful for you , ’ said Sophie , her optimism regenerated .
2 That must have been really worrying ? …
3 That must have been very tricky with a seriously injured patient . ’
4 That must have been very irritating for you . ’
5 This may have been largely absent from their own lives , but it was the prevailing view of human nature .
6 Clearly the cloth figures fluctuate more markedly than those for wool , although those for 1474–75 may have been artifically depressed by the absence of returns from Bristol and Newcastle .
7 This should have been plainly ridiculous to the Elizabethan audience .
8 Actually , this might have been quite productive since therapy is supposed to be a microcosm of your relationships , with the therapist taking on multiple roles .
9 This might have been less dangerous had the Ottoman Empire held together , but it was crumbling fast and something was bound to take its place .
10 This could have been unintentionally hilarious had it not been so dreary .
11 Few could have been less suited for the military life than the historian Edward Gibbon who , as he admitted in his Autobiography , ‘ never handled a gun … seldom mounted a horse ’ but , living with his father , a country gentleman , at Buriton , near Petersfield , he felt obliged to apply for a commission as a captain in the South battalion of the Hampshire militia , 476 strong , of which his father became major and a local nobleman , ‘ after a prolix and passionate contest ’ with the Lord Lieutenant , lieut. -colonel .
12 According to Walter Easey , the ALA police policy advisor , ‘ under Sir Kenneth Newman , this would have been quite impossible .
13 From Stirling 's point of view this would have been quite satisfactory , but he smelt danger in the following proposals .
14 This would have been so easy had they dug narrow trenches , the practice of the past , as this method can produce only scraps of unrelated evidence .
15 Equally , no purpose would have been served by asking him to approach total strangers in the street , as the mere thought of this would have been so terrifying to the young man that he would probably have given up there and then .
16 This would have been more expensive than the winding-sheet but it presented the body in a more natural attitude of repose .
17 This would have been more difficult with the single pans of watercolour .
18 He felt disappointed because writing " Voice of Vangmoor " was the only money-making activity he did that he enjoyed , and this would have been more enjoyable than usual , a piece of real journalism as against the usual pedestrian stuff about the view from the top of Big Allen or hearing the first cuckoo .
19 Although he gives Rosa and Claude as his mentors , he seldom followed their rigid classical composition , indeed in his mountainous terrain this would have been very difficult .
20 This would have been very difficult , because the site is on a low hill and some means would have had to be found for overcoming the unfavourable gradients ; a siphon effect has been suggested , but that would have involved making the whole length of piping airtight , which seems scarcely credible .
21 In short if you er ta er taking er Kennedy 's decision over Vietnam , if he decided to do nothing , this would have been very damaging to him politically because of the declared er policy of the global containment of communism and the expectations of his domestic public that the United States would take action to defend the free world wherever the free world was challenged without much questioning about what the free world actually was , I mean the fact that er er South Vietnam was run by a rather squalid dictatorship was neither here nor there erm so erm you have to er evaluate when you 're contemplating er actions of this kind what failure would mean in domestic political terms .
22 Had the plaintiff been shot , then this would have been too remote a consequence and causation not established .
23 Erm that might have been as well another reason for selling to friends , erm because most of the stuff we bought anyway was new so that does n't really come into it .
24 That might have been all right , just .
25 Well the men although they may not have realized they were thirteen must have been pretty stupid not to realize they were perhaps below consent age .
26 Luckily they got out with minor burns , but that could have been very serious .
27 The taxing code works without difficulty and the trustees would be assessed jointly — Lord Keith in Dawson v IRC referred to the fact that if all the trustees " had been resident in the United Kingdom application of the enactment would have been such that the income would have been treated as arising or accruing to all three , and all three would have been jointly assessable to tax " .
28 And any attempt to make it more effective would have been virtually impossible in political terms .
29 It was a very moving experience which I 'm sure will have been spiritually beneficial to all who participated in it . ’
30 That would have been exactly analogous to Hughes .
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