Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] [vb infin] been [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Theodore 's reconciliation with Wilfrid took place in the context of Caedwalla 's dramatic ascendancy in southern England and if it is true that he expressed the wish that Wilfrid succeed him at Canterbury ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 43 ) this may have been in recognition of Caedwalla 's new regime with which Wilfrid was associated .
2 This may have been in connection with duties at his Gloucester Docks warehouse or possibly in the Stroud area .
3 I wondered if this might have been from surprise over the fact that I could write , but it was just one of a fair catalogue of mannerisms he had to offer .
4 I 'm glad you asked that erm yes we did , we did give it consideration er er we decided against it , because it would have meant er to declaring the dividend on Friday for technical reasons and announcing our results erm today and this could have been in danger of misleading er the market er because this lower results and we have an increased dividend and that was erm probably the main reason why we decided that we would n't do it er the slight increase in net dividend in fact should compensate erm and this is coincidence er er f fo for the increased A C T on the
5 This would have been in keeping with the likely pattern of Bernician-Dalriadic relations .
6 That would 've been down hill .
7 The weekend will be the first major event that BR Standard Class ‘ 2MT ’ 2-6-0 78022 will have been in service .
8 So that 's when the D two would have been after lunch , yeah .
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