Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But even that may not help as the worker may be waylaid by those who have ‘ just come in for a form ’ or an address or have to collect their children from school in five minutes .
2 Some may even consider that the company has positive obligations to secure the well-being of employees , the local community , or other non-shareholder groups .
3 However this must not mean that the application of the united front from above is thereby excluded from our activities .
4 This must surely indicate that the site played a part in the Roman advance into the Welsh marches , and that the town owed its origins to an early military presence .
5 This could easily occur if the spur was taken through a wall to feed a socket in an adjacent room .
6 This could only happen when the time was ripe , which would be when he was worthy .
7 But this could only occur if the number of selective secondary school places was exactly the same as the number of service class children .
8 This need not mean that the private/public distinction vanishes altogether but it applies to different domains .
9 This need not matter but the following advice is aimed at those for whom it is an inconvenience .
10 The questionable relationship between assemblages of grave-goods and life is emphasised by the often curious combinations of weaponry found ( Figure 3.2 ) , which can at times seem quite impracticable ; this need not deny that the presence , for instance , of a shield alone may symbolise something .
11 This would particularly apply where the risk of suicide is judged to be high .
12 In practice this would n't work because the detectors would need impossibly precise information about the speed of eye movements and the phase lag between the central movement commands and the actual movement of the image .
13 This would not arise if the universal conception were to be theoretically dominant in a social psychology which resembled a universal anthropology more than it did a historical social science .
14 This would not mean that an executive reports once a week to a local probation office to affirm that all is well back in the corporate suite .
15 If there was a brake , this would not happen and the person would have to stop and start all the time rather than moving smoothly around the supermarket .
16 But if the rule was reformed , this would not indicate that the former rule was unreasonable .
17 But if the rule was reformed , this would not indicate that the former rule was unreasonable .
18 This would certainly occur if the rates of suicides among those who make attempts continue at the levels mentioned earlier ( p. 21 ) .
19 Note that it can not be formulated as ‘ always calculate proportions along the rows ’ ; this would only work if the explanatory variable was always put in the rows , and no such convention has been established .
20 The availability of telephone , radio and television is often dependent however on services provided by government , so politicoeconomic decisions are involved and some would even maintain that the mass media provide opportunities for political pressure , and for communicating in the form of propaganda .
21 Some would even say that the very term " data " limits the possible options in this respect by implying that there are special kinds or orders of phenomena which qualify as data .
22 This will also apply where the child intends to represent himself in the proceedings and is capable of doing so .
23 This will automatically set when the report is entered initially .
24 This will not imply that a false belief will never be justified , since the suggestion is that although some beliefs are defeasibly justified , we require indefeasible justification for knowledge .
25 This will not occur unless the Chancellor accepts the prior need to reform UK excise duties .
26 If used in an off-road condition in 4WD this will not occur because an element of wheel slip will take account of the differing rotations .
27 This will generally mean that the person who has control of the computer will be the author of any computer-generated work .
28 Personnel Management will always mean making decisions based on judgement , and this will always ensure that the business must take a degree of risk in such areas .
29 This will never happen if the law of reflection happens to be true , but no logical contradiction would be involved if it did .
30 In the case of a lease this will usually mean that the ambiguity will be construed against the landlord ( Killick v Second Covent Garden Property Co Ltd [ 1973 ] 2 All ER 337 , although in Amax International Ltd v Custodian Holdings Ltd [ 1986 ] 2 EGLR 111 , Hoffmann J suggested that , technically , the tenant might be the proferens ) .
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