Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] he have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Was this where he had trained as a young man ?
2 He escaped in his pyjamas , and the plaster of Paris on his leg was sopping wet where he had fallen in a ditch , but he was in good spirits .
3 Evans flushed and looked far more embarrassed than he had done at any stage so far .
4 An American Indian proverb cautions , ‘ One man should say nothing to another until he has walked in his moccasins . ’
5 After the first success in the matter of Amy Larner , who was now comfortably situated with Dr Horrocks 's friends in Saxburgh , Edwin Frere found himself a little at a loss , for his parish proved less permeable than he had hoped to the motions of the spirit .
6 He 'd become almost paranoid since he 'd talked to Bliss .
7 Chris had already been given a severe ticking-off when he 'd admitted to the box-office that he 'd lost count of the number of tickets and cheques he 'd stuffed into all his suit pockets .
8 Proceeding much as he had done with his houses , Edouard first refurbished them .
9 In attempting to deflect opinion from the disappointments of the previous winter and the lack of prospect of an early end of the war and to revamp morale through blaming others for Germany 's misfortunes — much as he had done in the years before 1933 — Hitler had lifted a corner of the veil of the ‘ Führer myth ’ and revealed a glimpse of the arbitrary , dictatorial , and irrational way he responded to the first reverses he and the nation had had to suffer .
10 He had fantasized about her death almost as much as he had fantasized about Elinor 's .
11 The porter who rang up to Mrs. Banks and directed Charles to her flat was also no doubt expensive , and would have been discreet if he had refrained from accompanying his directions with a wink .
12 In any event he came to see me and we discussed the matter , and I said exactly that to him : that if he had appealed to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary , it seemed to me a very remote prospect that anything I could do would be of the slightest effect .
13 Applying Phipps he would have been guilty if he had drove to the agreed destination and then driven to his true destination .
14 Julia smiled to see him happier than he had seemed before her illness .
15 Was n't it possible that his sexuality was much more ambivalent than he had let on ?
16 At first he felt more relaxed than he had done for a long time .
17 But it would have been costly because he 'd worked at the paper for so long .
18 There was a bit less hair on his scalp but he looked as fit as he had done at their previous brief meetings .
19 He looked as icily cold as he had done on the other two occasions she had met him .
20 The captain spoke few words , but agreed that the crew were better than he 'd hoped for , and that the ship was a fine one .
21 He went home feeling better than he had done for some time but he died suddenly during sleep 3 days later , presumably from a breakthrough cardiac arrythmia .
22 Now that was certainly the views of the President of the Board of Trade before er he er returned to the cabinet er at another time and I 'm not sure if he 's departed from these views but I think they 're worthy of some weight .
23 ‘ Poor Tom would have been so very unhappy if he 'd known of this situation , ’ she 'd sniffed while fumbling for a handkerchief .
24 ‘ I wanted him to chase me , not literally , though I would have been madly impressed if he 'd charged up Piccadilly on a white stallion , but I just wanted some firmer confirmation that he loved me .
25 Apparently a lot of people were outraged , and the switchboard jammed , but as one critic pointed out , it would have been more extraordinary if he had behaved like a bank manager .
26 Alistair spent a long time on the covering note to Sixsmith — almost as long as he had spent on Offensive from Quasar 13 .
27 In a way , he felt guilty because he 'd confessed to Zambia first .
28 City-dweller Moiphebi Nkuebe goes to visit a witchdoctor — and brings home rather more than he had bargained for .
29 Alex Macdonald , the hard-nosed manager of Airdrie , refused to apologise for his team 's performance in a midweek match against Hibs in Edinburgh any more than he had done after that bewildering semi-final against Hearts at Hampden .
30 The win was worth £58,830 , or considerably more than he had won in any of his previous 10 seasons on the European Tour .
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