Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] he [verb] been in " in BNC.

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1 Not as much as he had been in the studio , but he was here all the same .
2 What especially pleases me is that we are extraordinarily popular and that Wolfgang is admired here even more than he has been in all the other towns of Italy ; the reason is that Bologna is the centre and dwelling-place of many masters , artists and scholars .
3 In no time at all , he was faster than he had been in practice , something I have never seen since in a race by a leading driver .
4 ‘ His mental state has been very stable since he has been in hospital and there is no indication that it has deteriorated recently , ’ the spokesman added .
5 It was an awful place : dreary , badly furnished and he was n't as clean as he 'd been in hospital — food all down his clothes and he had n't shaved , he really looked unkempt .
6 Used as he had been in his youth to the drabs of the garrison towns , the Major nevertheless began courteously to disengage himself .
7 The man was not as tall as he had been in the photograph , he stooped too much , but he was still a few inches taller than his wife .
8 He was more frightened than he had been in all the time he had been with them , and he could tell that the girl was frightened too , by her quick , shallow breathing .
9 All that might have made Mr Kohl even more overbearing than he has been in recent weeks , to the dismay of West Germany 's allies and neighbours .
10 ‘ It seems to me that everyone thinks he 's ill merely because he is less rude and rather more bearable than he has been in the past , ’ the head said irritably .
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