Example sentences of "[adj] [det] [be] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 To choose er erm the labour party er housing er strategy , their housing policy is well gobsmacking but given that this is going to be recorded perhaps not a very good idea .
2 A certain proportion remains unaccounted for and it is part of this that is claimed to be the product of investment in education and health .
3 Now , with any , I freely admit , as I 'm sure we all do , that , that there 's no formula in this that 's going to be perfect , but having seen some preliminary information on the work the A C C is , is pushing at the moment , it does unfortunately have a detrimental impact on , on our own situation here in Shropshire .
4 Middlesbrough Bears 41 Slangerup 47 THIS was set to be one of the most exciting challenges for the opening of a new season at Middlesbrough 's Cleveland Park last night , but wet and miserable conditions turned it into something of a farce .
5 Her school is the only one in Richmond to provide a nursery class for three and four-year-olds and she says : ‘ We have places for 50 children but 100 more are waiting to be in . ’
6 Now as you can imagine it depends what you leave and where you leave it as to how effective that is going to be on how er distressing that 's going to be .
7 Yes I 'm sure that 's going to be straight forward .
8 Dave 's book , yes I 'm sure that 's going to be straight forward , book for Jackie not quite so straight forward .
9 Perhaps all that 's needed to be a good judge of another person is the art of listening , not only with our ears but with our whole attention .
10 This is what happens when the bedrock of decency , the liberal sensibilities and assumptions which we all share , are all that 's left to be scandalized .
11 In a sense , repressing all that was deemed to be inimical to the regime was the " easy " part of the task of consolidating the result of the Civil War .
12 No all , all that , all that was going to be done was to see about as far as I 'm aware , the feasibility of get getting one of the Education Officers and one of the
13 All that was left to be done was the last-minute cooking .
14 He echoes Wattam 's concerns : ‘ There 's a tremendous amount of anxiety about how effective this is going to be and how such an important change can be introduced without monitoring .
15 The consequence of all this is bound to be the persisting low status of this work .
16 All this is going to be over soon . ’
17 I 'm not suggesting the military are , but that 's the impression coming off , that you know , all this is going to be easy , but I 'm sure it is n't .
18 The benefit of all this is estimated to be a saving on annual costs of about $4,000m beginning in 1993 — but all the cost-cutting that the company already has under its belt has done no more than enable it to stand still , which is why several analysts question whether even the latest cuts will prove sufficient .
19 All this was meant to be experimental , but it would be better to describe it as speculative , as I have an idea that I could arrive at some sort of interesting effect if I kept trying , and the lack of certainty about the end result hardly mattered .
20 Somehow he had known what the outcome of all this was going to be .
21 But all these are shown to be birds of mature woodlands , while some warblers and Yellowhammer emerge as birds of scrub or young plantation and edge .
22 Indeed , all these are coming to be used as powerful tools for tutors and learners in some schools and colleges already .
23 In the general problem , however , it is only the background region I that is taken to be flat , and regions II and III , as well as IV , are curved .
24 I had a record company screaming for final mixes , not even sure that they wanted this album because ‘ Space Oddity ’ did n't do too well and as far as they were concerned this was going to be the last they had to do with David Bowie , and I was n't delivering the goods .
25 We did n't realise how difficult this was going to be .
26 I managed to get rid of about eighty and if we do sell these extra what twenty or thirty that 's going to be between a hundred and a hundred and fifty pounds profit .
27 By mid-February only 47 thrifts had been closed or sold , another 300 were under the management of the Resolution Trust Corporation ( RTC ) and 200 more were expected to be taken over soon .
28 In 1982 this rose to 70% and by 1990 this is expected to be comfortably exceeded .
29 Up to twenty thousand a day are being allowed to cross into Jordan from Iraq , but thousands more are said to be waiting just across the border .
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