Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [adj] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Here , we might note , the wife enunciates the aggressive sexual joke that Freud supposed to originate with the man .
2 The Inland Revenue Budget Press Release of 16 March 1993 dealing with the taxation of dividends , paras 24 – 29 , reads thus : 24 Where trustees of trusts in which a beneficiary has an interest in possession receive income , they pass it on to the beneficiary with a credit at the basic rate .
3 1 Samuel 4 began with the Israelites being defeated in battle and with their elders talking of God fighting on the enemy side .
4 The next , dated 21st June 1935 , again requests tickets and is followed by one dated 25th August 1936 dealing with the signal and the first mention of the engine name plates and the final letter , dated 24th November 1936 , enclosing a receipt for pounds ; 2-0-0 , the scrap price of the signal .
5 A typical violent eruption from an individual volcano has an energy of between 10 12 and 10 15 J. This compares with the 10 16 J released by a one megaton hydrogen bomb .
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