Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He also used the sea-beet Roger had gathered on the shore in a soup , and packed it into an opera hamper for an alfresco supper at a performance of Don Pasquale at nearby Castle Ward that evening .
2 In January of 1825 Barratt had decided upon an ambitious and costly project ; a deep adit level to be driven as a cross-cut , some 230 yds. downstream from Taylor 's Level into the eastern bank of Red Dell Beck and in a northerly direction , to come in below the old workings and to explore the vein , especially below that section expected to be opened up by Taylor 's .
3 A German Zeppelin had flown over the Scottish coast at Leith , and dropped a bomb which by pure luck hit a bonded warehouse full of whisky , which went up in large flames , thus lighting up the darkened city .
4 Certainly it would not have been a respectable person , such as Hilbert 's gardener or cleaner , but most likely some unemployed derelict Adam had met in a pub .
5 True , Old Vic has carried off the French and Irish Derbys , but Michelozzo 's success in the substitute St Leger has been his only major English strike .
6 In Jim Smith 's presentation on Wednesday morning — AR Division Present and Future — he said that diversification of distribution meant that Scottish Amicable had changed with the times and was not risking all in relying on one source of business .
7 The room whose light Charles had seen from the front .
8 The Green Revolution in Latin America has led to a Kulak path of development .
9 Latin America has come through the worst , ’ says OUP 's David Stewart .
10 In 1985 Belau had defaulted on the loans from foreign banks financing the project and was successfully sued in the US courts [ see p. 36701 ] .
11 While there was nothing extraordinary about the goal , Chapman turning in a free-kick Clough had driven through a crowd of players towards the near post , the reason the free-kick was awarded left Everton disgruntled .
12 A young Italian nobleman had already summed up the dismay felt by liberal Catholics in 1906 when he wrote , in a famous letter , ‘ Since the death of Pope Leo the Roman Curia has assumed towards the world of thought a reactionary attitude reminiscent of the days of Pius IX , when the Church was at war with everything and everybody . ’
13 In February 1929 Irwin had written to the Secretary of State of a conversation with Gandhi that ‘ what was interesting ’ was his statement that , if Indians were at liberty to order their own future , ‘ we should be astonished by how much they would desire to leave in our hands through lack of self-confidence ’ .
14 In replying to the accusations , Mr Toshack pointed out that Bilbao 's attempts to culture a romantic image as the sole defenders of Basque traditions were at odds with £3.75 million invested in signings and more managers in 12 months than Real Sociedad have had in the last eight years .
15 Please do not be concerned about measuring how much NI has done over the years ; it is not easy to quantify the awareness , understanding and other benefits your publication has brought to the children of the Third World .
16 The introduction of the Mental Health Specific Grant has led to a 30 per cent increase in spending on mental health services , according to the SSI .
17 By 1960 Sartre had progressed to a radical " post-communist " phase in his thinking , a phase which coincided exactly with Nizan 's " pre-communist " phase in Aden .
18 Several international human rights and relief organisations charge that Bosnian Serbs have engaged in the systematic rape , torture and murder of civilians during the former Yugoslav republic 's 11-month-old war .
19 A WHITE Knight has galloped to the rescue of TVS Entertainment , the southern operator that lost its money-spinning TV franchise in the shake up .
20 As early as February 1920 Trotsky had put before the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party a plan to end grain requisitioning and replace it with a fixed tax in kind ; also to allow the peasants to sell their surpluses on the ( to be revived ) market .
21 Much of the debate surrounding UDCs has concentrated on the specific evolution of the two longer-standing corporations established in the Docklands of Liverpool and London .
22 The younger Herschel had travelled to the Cape with his telescope to undertake the first survey of the southern skies with a first-class instrument , and his discoveries of nebulae were already causing a stir in the astronomical community .
23 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
24 Poor Elsie had died of the whooping cough just after Harry had gone to America , so now there was only Edna at home in the daytime to help her mother .
25 In 1918 Europe lay overwhelmed by the ruin and destruction it had wrought .
26 American officials say that , after a year 's careful thought , the new democracies of Eastern Europe have come to the conclusion that NATO is a splendid thing : a watchdog against any future Soviet attempt to re-establish hegemony over Eastern and Central Europe ( see page 47 ) .
27 The cyclone in late April had formed in the Bay of Bengal and brought winds of up to 145 mph .
28 Escalating tension in universities and secondary schools from late April had resulted in a number of deaths among students and the arrest of several hundred alleged Nahda activists .
29 All Safranes come protected by an eight-year anti-corrosion warranty and a 12-month unlimited mileage mechanical warranty with RAC membership .
30 After that Menzies had walked along the hill to Duntaylor and Dunacree ( leaving out the lonely man at Dunskiag with his terrifying dogs ) .
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