Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [noun] [vb -s] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Popular Natal Astrology assumes that you can assess a person 's strengths and weaknesses by charting the sky at his exact moment of birth .
2 Suppose that Moriarty says that his watch broke , and from this Sherlock Holmes infers that he perpetrated the crime : although the information may have been indirectly conveyed , we should be loath to say that Moriarty communicated it .
3 Although the Shorter Oxford Dictionary says that it means that the person has drunk ‘ intoxicating liquor to an extent which affects steady self-control , ’ it is arguable that the person must have taken intoxicating liquor to excess so that he has lost the power of self control .
4 Today the four Boyz whose single is at no. 4 in our chart , flew into Britain for their first ever performance here , with their front-man Michael McCary insists that it will never turn him into a snob .
5 ‘ At the front , the JBC front axle has five-stud hubs at either end , but we could n't fit standard JJCB five-stud wheels because they 're too small , ’ he points out .
6 But that 's just the sort of costly stunt that the unconventional Richard Branson attempts when he 's not at the helm of his two highly successful businesses , music group Virgin and airline Virgin Atlantic .
7 NEWBRIDGE will look to put their off-field problems behind them and earn some much-needed Heineken League points when they entertain defending champions Swansea this afternoon .
8 Your article of April 10th about the CS First Boston Group states that it has been kept out of the league of top-flight American investment banks .
9 Heartbroken Tim Godwin weeps as he tells how he had to tell his 23-month-old daughter Sophie : ‘ Mummy is n't coming back ’ .
10 The rule also affected Henry Cotton , who took up the post at Royal Waterloo , Belgium , in 1933 and thus missed two Ryder Cup matches when he was at the peak of his powers .
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