Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [conj] they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At other points the crest from I will coincide with a trough from 2 so that they almost cancel each other out to give one of the hollows of the pattern .
2 Johnny Tillotson 's Poetry in Motion , Lesley Gore 's It 's my Party , Cliff Richard 's Move It , the Ventures ' Walk Do n't Run , Eddie Cochran 's C'm on Everybody … all sound as fresh today as they ever did .
3 Many children feel the need to pour from one container to another continuously as they slowly acquire manual skill .
4 Children with previous experience not only did the shows at the Pavilion at 2 pm and 7 pm but they also appeared at the Ballroom in between , thoroughly enjoying the mad rush .
5 The water-based ones are quite easy to apply and dry quickly but they often look patchy afterwards unless you finish off with a water-based varnish instead of the usual oil-based polyurethane .
6 They adjust the intensities of these so that they exactly match the light from the surface , making the fish effectively invisible from below .
7 They 're closer now than they ever have been .
8 Well what I know the answer is is to say do n't worry be concerned but do n't worry because worrying does n't do you no good , it does n't do the condition no good and it does n't do everybody else any good either because they just say oh she 's you know what she is , depressed by whatever it is and that 's , as it were , objectively logical but wh wh what seems to me to be the absolutely overwhelming is to say he 's not worried , he 's desperately concerned , he 's more concerned than humans can possibly be but if god is n't worried , what on earth are we burning up our resources worrying about because if he 's not worried concerned yes , but he 's not worried .
9 Only one in ten said that it had been suggested to them by a salesman , agent or someone at the shop ; about three-quarters said instead that they personally had thought of it , and most of the rest that it had been suggested by their wife or husband .
10 This is because the two components are so close together that they almost touch , and presumably gravitational strains mean that each is distorted into the shape of an egg .
11 The Green Party Conference drew to a close today and they certainly had something to talk about with the publication of the government 's White Paper on the environment .
12 To Sigouri was perhaps thirty miles and , although the rain kept away , it was dark and treacherous underfoot and they hardly spoke , men-at-arms or servants or principals , as they guided fresh horses across the grey soil of the Messaoria , splashing over burgeoning rivers ; imperceptible to silent villages , churches and monasteries except by a thud of hooves and the swimming spawn of their brands .
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