Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Right now this time I 'm not telling you that the acceleration for some we wo n't bother writing it like that right we 'll write it this way .
2 Eight o'clock I 'll record it for you , you are watching it ?
3 It was eight o'clock I 'd tape it for her , running out of tapes .
4 If I was rich enough I 'd give you .
5 Well you wo n't wait until that long you 'll put it down in May
6 and stuff like that so I can send it off with
7 She 'd always run into my arms when I did that so I could lift her up , but she do n't do it this time .
8 ‘ Do n't , ’ Penny Mansfield warns , ‘ sink into the double bind of , ‘ If I were good ( or sexy or clever ) enough , he would n't have done it … and if I were strong enough I 'd leave him . ’
9 but we had one with eight so we 'd have we 'd have the whole thing there twice .
10 I 've only got a bit of French and German so I can help you with the essay if you like .
11 Well I do n't think anyone 's gon na get this so I 'll tell you .
12 I should be grateful for your comments on this so I can bring them before the Parish Council at their next meeting on 27th August .
13 I suppose if you put all this together you would say I 'm not exactly the archetypal Mills & Boon tall dark stranger when it comes to courting girls .
14 But this much I must tell you — ’ He looked around the chamber , as if expecting to see a silent listener at every corner .
15 If you are interested perhaps you would give me your name at the end of mass .
16 Asked how high upmarket it might go he said : ’ Spam and champagne go well together but then spam goes with most things .
17 Ca n't do the oh oh , that was funny now you 'll know it !
18 If I was n't so old now I 'd do it again !
19 If any of you want a copy of the document on Alders referred to in the Ecumenical report I have some here you can study it over lunch .
20 The England manager watched film of the Arsenal striker 's clash with Tottenham 's David Howells that led to a Football Association charge of misconduct and said : ‘ If he is forced to miss some games because of this then it will give him a problem in terms of our next match .
21 I 'm afraid there we must leave it but perhaps that is the way forward .
22 If Patrick was homosexual then it might sadden me , but it would n't shock me . "
23 I 'll I 'll get round that somehow I 'll let you know
24 Clever still I can earn it
25 Seb spent many of the long winter evenings at the Hankses ' cottage and his reading and writing improved so much that Carrie was reluctantly forced to admit there was little more she could teach him in these two spheres of learning .
26 But you wo n't always have these so you could measuring it 's a good way .
27 Well look why do n't you have one of these then you can do it properly .
28 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
29 Fourteen so I can get it in
30 If you have any comments on these then perhaps you might pass them to me unless , of course , you wish to attend the next meeting .
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