Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So too is ‘ the other ’ , that highly charged embodiment of difference .
2 A one-parent family , living on scraps from the educational world , too proud to seek refuge and warm her hands on the tepid thickly painted radiators of Leeds , to cast off her jerseys and socks on the radiant central heating of Sussex , to lie half-naked in that ill-starred farmhouse in Tuscany .
3 In specially favoured areas the grass is extensive enough to form patches of turf ; the pinks are usually rarer and more dispersed .
4 You 've lost your ships , you 've lost your friends in Ireland , you 've lost the Lady Emma and the active support of the Pope , but you 're still strong enough to stop Harald of Norway from using you as a base , and you 're no threat to Wessex so long as you get rid of those Normans . ’
5 The adventurers may be able to beg or buy some badly needed pieces of equipment from Bardul here .
6 A careful look , for instance , at the way that punctuation is used in the final version of A Piece of Wood suggests that there is some loosely conceived principle of grouping together thematically related information or events rather than any rigorous application of sentence delineation according to syntactic groupings .
7 Dodging the issue like this only creates feelings of confusion , guilt or resentment .
8 The end product of this highly devolved system of decision-making was an escalating penal crisis that was stubbornly resistant in the face of attempts at reform .
9 If the upkeep of a garden is getting too much for an elderly person , and finance and willing helpers can be found , a suggestion that it should be paved , with a few easily managed tubs of flowers and shrubs at a convenient height , is often an acceptable idea .
10 We might just as well ask why , when we try to recall visually some period in the past , we find in our memory just the few meagre arbitrarily chosen set of snapshots that we do find there , the faded poor souvenirs of passionate moments .
11 Some still threw buckets of snow into the small flames that lived .
12 Some clearly occupied positions of convenience near to or alongside the main frontages , as for example at Chelmsford and probably Kenchester .
13 How far is this inevitably relativising method of study compatible with genuine religious belief and commitment ?
14 Much of this now forms part of Africa 's stock of debt as the recipient countries have been unable to service their export credits , and has become a burden on the export credit guarantee agencies of the EC governments .
15 This now puts members of companies on a closer footing to partners in their ability to withdraw their capital from the organisation .
16 This often requires analysis of parts of words — the elements in a compound like dog-sled , or the added meaning attributable to the suffix -er in opener compared to the verb open — over and above the sense of each word .
17 The bones are of antelopes , gazelles , hippopotami , pigs and other animals , and many have been smashed , presumably to get at the nourishing marrow ; some even show marks of cuts , inflicted by a stone tool when the bone was still fresh .
18 These cottage front doors were never used — some even had rows of flowerpots across the sill as a deterrent — and Anna had to go round to the back to find a resting place for the magazine .
19 Answering ‘ yes ’ to the second question means accepting some well tried principles of communication :
20 To some extent , this lack of guidance provides greater flexibility on the part of the authorities , who are not constrained by a requirement to satisfy some precisely defined criterion of dominance as a precondition for investigation .
21 This tightly knit framework of liaison between the three sections of Sheffield 's labour movement — Labour Council , Labour party and trades unions — helped unite its political and industrial wings .
22 I think that er Mr Gorbachev has er seen that Mr Bush has only a few firmly held points of view , I mean that 's one of the criticisms of George Bush that he does seem to have only a few firmly held points of view on emerging democracies in Eastern and Central Europe , but having said that , er I think he really does believe that a unified Germany in NATO is a key part of stability in that region , and I think that Mr Gorbachev recognises that on this one Mr Bush is not er capable of being moved .
23 I think that er Mr Gorbachev has er seen that Mr Bush has only a few firmly held points of view , I mean that 's one of the criticisms of George Bush that he does seem to have only a few firmly held points of view on emerging democracies in Eastern and Central Europe , but having said that , er I think he really does believe that a unified Germany in NATO is a key part of stability in that region , and I think that Mr Gorbachev recognises that on this one Mr Bush is not er capable of being moved .
24 The watertight skin and deck were put on over this closely spaced framework of ribs and beams in the form of planks , nearly as thick as they were wide , which ran longitudinally at right-angles to the ribs .
25 After this phase of pronounced lateral development another period of westward extension carried the island as far as the Long Hills , where another closely spaced group of laterals suggests a further retardation of the island 's growth westwards .
26 Beyond professional specialization , and beyond the internal class division within social forms of cultural production , there is this ultimately controlling form of ownership and management , within which the other forms have to operate .
27 Here , quantitative work is confined to tracing the relative frequency of occurrence in some globally defined section of speech , controlled for length by an independent measure like number of sentences , pages , or hours of speech .
28 In the modern period capital is instead organized at a national or transnational scale so that the previous ( capitalist ) rationale for sub-national government has withered away , except for a few spatially constrained sectors of capital , such as development interests or companies engaged in extracting mineral resources .
29 It was at the 9th hole in the second round of the World Championship of Women 's Golf that this recently acquired touch of caution came into its own .
30 Slobin and Welsh argue that this actually makes imitations of phrases and sentences more complex tasks than spontaneous production .
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